Understanding the DistributionConfig defaults in the response

Let's go through the DistributionConfig property that we received as part of the response, and try to understand the structure and defaults for the important properties of DistributionConfig. I have only displayed screenshots from the response for the important sections, and will mention other properties by name.

DistributionConfig starts with the properties CallerReference, Aliases, and the DefaultRootObject (set as index.html). Next, it contains the Origins property, with our bucket details:

Next, it contains the DefaultCacheBehavior section that starts with TargetOriginId, ForwardedValues, TrustedSigners, and ViewerProtocolPolicy (set as allow-all).

The DefaultCacheBehavior section continues with MinTTL, AllowedMethods, SmoothStreaming, DefaultTTL, MaxTTL, Compress, LambdaFunctionAssociations, and FieldLevelEncryptionId:

Furthermore, we can see the CacheBehaviorsCustomErrorResponsesCommentLogging, and PriceClass sections (set as PriceClass_All)

Finally, there are the Enabled, ViewerCertificate, Restrictions, WebACLId, HttpVersion, and IsIPV6Enabled sections:

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