Step 1 - Creating the Lambda project (Java)

The ASK SDK requires intent handlers for each of the expected intents. We will create intent handlers for our application-specific intent (for example, a self-intro intent), the launch intent—as well as help, stop, and cancel intents for the inbuilt intents—a fallback intent, and a session end request intent. We will then create a parent lambda handler class that registers all these intent handlers.

I will be discussing only the core application logic and will not be discussing supporting code, such as imports, error handling, and Java doc comments in the book. However, the complete working code is provided along with the code files. 

Let's start by defining the dependency of ASK SDK for Java in the POM file, as follows:


The POM file also has dependencies for aws-lambda-java-core. The ask.sdk.version property is defined along with other properties in the parent project, POM serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java:


We can create the Java Lambda project with the following package structure:

The SelfIntroIntentHandler class defines the speech text that does the introduction, as follows: 

public class SelfIntroIntentHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(Predicates.intentName("SelfIntroIntent"));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
String speechText = "Hello, this is Alexa saying intro for Heartin Kanikathottu. "
+ "Heartin is a senior software engineer and blogger with around 11 years of IT experience. "
+ "He likes to share his technical knowledge through his blogs such as "
+ "and Java J EE dot com. "
+ "He also likes to mentor juniors and take sessions at meetups and conferences.";

return input.getResponseBuilder()
.withSimpleCard("SelfIntro", speechText)


The LaunchRequestHandler class defines the speech text for the app launch, as follows:

public class LaunchRequestHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(Predicates.requestType(LaunchRequest.class));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
String speechText = "Welcome to the Self Intro Alexa Skill for Heartin, you may say 'please say intro'";
return input.getResponseBuilder()
.withSimpleCard("SelfIntro", speechText)

The HelpIntentHandler class defines the speech text for the inbuilt intent AMAZON.HelpIntent, as follows:

public class HelpIntentHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(intentName("AMAZON.HelpIntent"));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
String speechText = "You you may say 'please say intro'!";
return input.getResponseBuilder()
.withSimpleCard("SelfIntro", speechText)

The CancelandStopIntentHandler class defines the speech text for the for the inbuilt intents AMAZON.StopIntent and AMAZON.CancelIntent:

public class CancelandStopIntentHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(intentName("AMAZON.StopIntent").or(intentName("AMAZON.CancelIntent")));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.getResponseBuilder()
.withSpeech("Goodbye buddy")
.withSimpleCard("SelfIntro", "Goodbye")


The FallbackIntentHandler class defines the speech text for the fallbacks when no intents match, as follows:

public class FallbackIntentHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(intentName("AMAZON.FallbackIntent"));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
String speechText = "Sorry buddy, I don't know that. You can say try saying help!";
return input.getResponseBuilder()
.withSimpleCard("SelfIntro", speechText)


We will also define a SessionEndedRequestHandler class for handling session termination requests, as shown in the following code:

public class SessionEndedRequestHandler implements RequestHandler {

public final boolean canHandle(final HandlerInput input) {
return input.matches(requestType(SessionEndedRequest.class));

public final Optional<Response> handle(final HandlerInput input) {
//any cleanup logic goes here
return input.getResponseBuilder().build();


Finally, we will create the Lambda handler class that extends SkillStreamHandler, as follows:

public class SelfIntroStreamHandler extends SkillStreamHandler {

private static Skill skill = Skills.standard()
new CancelandStopIntentHandler(),
new SelfIntroIntentHandler(),
new HelpIntentHandler(),
new LaunchRequestHandler(),
new SessionEndedRequestHandler())

public SelfIntroStreamHandler() {


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