How it works...

In summary, we did the following in this recipe:

  1. We created a queue using an AWS CLI command
  2. We created a queue using a CloudFormation template
  3. We sent a message to the queue from the AWS CLI
  4. We retrieved a message from the queue from the AWS CLI

Both send and receive message commands returned the following properties:

  • Message id: Message ID of the message
  • MD5ofBody: This is the MD5 digest that can be used to verify when SQS received the message correctly

The receive message command also returned the following properties:

  • Body: Body of the message.
  • MD5ofBody: MD5 digest of the body.
  • ReceiptHandle: There is a ReceiptHandle value associated with each instance of receiving a message. Every time you receive a message, the ReceiptHandle value will be different. To delete a message from the queue, you need to provide the latest ReceiptHandle value received.
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