The RecordSet stack

We can create a template for RecordSet, given as follows:

  1. Start the template with the template version and a description (optional).
  2. Define the parameters (of the string type) for the root domain name, the sub-domain name, and the S3 hosted zone ID.

Note that the S3 hosted zone is static, based on the region (for example, Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 for ap-south-1).

  1. Define a resource of the type RecordSetGroup type to add A records for the domains:
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
HostedZoneName: !Sub
- ${DomainName}.
- DomainName: !Ref RootDomainName
Comment: Zone apex alias.
Name: !Ref RootDomainName
Type: A
HostedZoneId: !Ref RecordHostedZoneId
DNSName: !ImportValue CloudFrontDomainName
Name: !Ref SubDomainName
Type: A
HostedZoneId: !Ref RecordHostedZoneId
DNSName: !ImportValue CloudFrontDomainName

The HostedZoneName is the domain name, followed by a dot (.), and the RecordHostedZone ID is a constant value for all of the CloudFront distributions

  1. Define an Outputs section to return the URLs (optional).
  2. Execute the aws cloudformation create-stack by passing the parameters, and then verify the following:

After executing the create-stack sub-command, check the status by using the describe-stacks sub-command. Once it is successful, it should return a response with the following Outputs section:

We can verify that everything worked by going to and in a browser, as shown in the following screenshot:

Note that the URL is not secure. Even if we use HTTPS, we will still get a Not Secure message, as we do not have a valid certificate for this domain. We will look at how to fix this in the next recipe.

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