How to do it...

We can create a simple Google Cloud function from command line following these steps:

  1. Create a project with project ID as my-first-gcp-project-id 
gcloud projects create 'heartin-gcp-project-id' --name='My First GCP Project'

You should see a response similar to as follows:

  1. Set the property project. You may set it for the current workspace by running:
gcloud config set project 'heartin-gcp-project-id'

You should see a response similar to the following:

  1. Enable Cloud Functions.
gcloud services enable

You should see a response similar to the following:

  1. Clone or download the Sample Code from the Git URL:
git clone
  1. Go to functions directory.
cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/helloworld/
  1. Deploy the function.
gcloud functions deploy helloGET --runtime nodejs6 --trigger-http

You should see a response, as follows:

  1. Run the httpsTrigger URL from the previous section in a browser. You should see Hello World printed on the browser screen as follows:.

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