Code repository usage guidelines

Each chapter has a directory of its own (for example, Chapter 01). Inside the chapter's directory there will be sub-directories for each recipe. The recipe specific directory has names corresponding to the recipe's title. For example, the directory for this chapter, recipe titled Your first Lambda is your-first-lambda.

Inside the recipe's directory, there will be a directory for storing all resources including the AWS CLI commands called resourcesLong AWS CLI commands are split into multiple lines for better readability using the  symbol. If you are using a Windows machine you can use the ^ symbol instead of the  symbol in the code files or make a single line command without the  symbol.

The recipe's directory also contains a sub-directory for each Lambda project. You need to run mvn clean package for generating the Lambda JAR from within this directory. The Lambda JAR is generated within the target directory inside this directory.  Every Lambda project inherits from the common Lambda parent project's directory serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java and hence needs to be built before any Lambda project, following the steps outlined in the previous section.

Code examples within the book follows the AWS documentation style and is tested primarily on Mac operating system. It should also work on most Unix based operating systems such as Linux. For alternative solutions you may refer to the code files repository. Please refer to the heading Alternative Solutions in the repository's readme file for more details.
Various user specific parameter values such as IDs, AWS account numbers, generated JAR file names etc. given within the examples has to be replaced with valid values based on previous steps executed and your account specific details. Copy pasting and executing the commands without verifying and replacing such parameter values can result in error.
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