There's more...

In this recipe, we discussed some scenarios and a possible approach to handle the fan-in and/or  fan-out patterns in those scenarios. The idea of the recipe was to get you familiar with the fan-in and fan-out patterns and scenarios. The exact services shown in the approaches are not the only solutions available. You may explore more and for services already covered in previous recipes, you may implement these scenarios.

Serverless programming in AWS is a huge topic. But I believe we have touched upon most of the essential services in Chapters 1 to 8. We also saw some general practices and patterns in Chapter 9 that involve those services. If you have completed all the recipes up to now, you should have enough knowledge to contribute significantly to your work or personal projects in the area of serverless computing with AWS.

In the next chapter, we will quickly see some of the other cloud provider services that correspond to the AWS services that we have seen up to now.

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