See also

You can read more about the services that are discussed in the previous section by using the following links: 

In this chapter, we went through some simple recipes on other cloud platforms, namely Azure, Google Cloud, and IBM Cloud. We also briefly looked at the names and descriptions of some of the serverless services available with these cloud platforms. In the rest of this book, we had covered most of the essential serverless services from AWS in detail. 

Serverless cloud computing is a huge and fast-growing field. Some of the services or commands we saw in this book might be upgraded in the near future. You can check for the details of these updates from their respective documentation. We will try to update the code files in the repository for any important updates that come to our notice.

To continue learning about serverless cloud computing and to keep an eye on the latest trends, you can pick up an advanced book on serverless cloud computing from Packt or follow my notes on cloud computing (particularly serverless computing) at

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