The pack manager

The pack geometry manager is the oldest geometry manager available with Tk and Tkinter. The pack geometry manager places slave widgets in a master widget, adding them one at a time in the order in which slaves are introduced. Following table shows the available pack() methods and options:



config = configure = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)

Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:

  • after=widget: pack it after you have packed widget
  • anchor=NSEW (or subset): position widget according to given direction
  • before=widget: pack it before you will pack widget
  • expand=bool: expand widget if parent size grows
  • fill=NONE (or X or Y or BOTH): fill widget if widget grows
  • in=master: use master to contain this widget
  • in_=master: see 'in' option description
  • ipadx=amount: add internal padding in x direction
  • ipady=amount: add internal padding in y direction
  • padx=amount: add padding in x direction
  • pady=amount: add padding in y direction
  • side=TOP (or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT): where to add this widget

forget = pack_forget(self)

Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.

info = pack_info(self)

Return information about the packing options for this widget.

propagate =pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_']) from Tkinter.Misc

Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.

A Boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument is given, the current setting will be returned.

slaves = pack_slaves(self) from Tkinter.Misc

Return a list of all slaves of this widget in its packing order.

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