About the Reviewers

Ankur Aggarwal is currently working in the Education and Research department of Infosys Limited. He loves to play with Unix and Linux tools. He has created various automation tools using Python, PHP, and is learning Linux Kernel Development. He is also an author of various international magazines and portals such as Open Source For You (previously Linux For You), Ubuntumanual.org, and Richnusgeek. He runs a Linux based blog too on www.flossstuff.wordpress.com. He loves coding and listening to metal music. He is a die hard fan of Iron Maiden and loves playing the guitar in his free time.

Mike Driscoll has been programming in Python since Spring 2006. He enjoys writing about Python on his blog: http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/. He also occasionally writes for the Python Software Foundation, i-Programmer, and Developer Zone. He enjoys photography and reading a good book. Mike has also been a technical reviewer for Python 3 Object Oriented Programming, Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook, and the Python Web Development Beginner's Guide among others.

Anshuman Pandey holds a Bachelor's Degree in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering. Being a software developer, he is always eager to learn and build upon new technologies. He is also an avid blogger, endurance runner, and tennis enthusiast. Currently employed as an Analyst at a software consulting firm, Anshuman has extensive hands on experience with data analysis and programming. He picked up Python by himself as an undergraduate, and has since worked on a variety of Python projects as well as reviewed books on the subject.

Being enthusiastic about sharing ideas and collaborating with like-minded individuals, Anshuman is an up-and-coming blogger. He manages his own website "Twisted Thoughts", where he shares his thoughts on everything from cool new technologies and nifty software tricks to tennis and life lessons. His blog has proved to be a good portal to network with young professionals with similar interests.

Alejandro Rodas de Paz is a Computer Engineer from the University of Seville (Spain). He started programming in Python for artificial intelligence and data mining projects,and discovered Tkinter as an easy and effective way to develop GUI applications. He worked at research institutions such as the Web Engineering and Early Testing group, and the MediaLAB Amsterdam.

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