A Hotshot Challenge

  • Screen saver challenge: We have used the create_oval method of the Canvas widget to create multiple balls in our screen saver program. Try to experiment by replacing the oval with other canvas-supported shapes, such as lines, rectangles, and arcs.

    In fact, because you can use the create_image method on Canvas, how about creating an aquarium brimming with different varieties of fishes, snails, aquatic animals, and plants? You can even add sky divers bubbling their way through the marine life!

  • Snake game challenge: Implement different levels of the Snake game by introducing mazes on the canvas.
  • Network programming challenge: Implement any other program that leverages the data available on the Internet to provide some value to the end user.
  • Database challenge: Revisit your media player program and implement a database to store playlists and automatically populate the media player when it is run.
  • Graphing challenge: Explore advanced graphing capabilities of matplotlib.
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