Your Tasks in the Analytics and Reporting Stages

Obviously, in order to answer the CEO, you would have had to gather and analyze data. So far, we have learned about descriptive statistics for continuous, ordinal and categorical variables; relational statistics like correlations and crosstabs, graphing, and more complex analyses such as regressions; simple comparisons of two means; and categorical data analysis. All of these are helpful in answering the questions.
In addition, you have the job of “packaging” your response or report. You should probably not, in this instance, report back with pages of dense statistical tables. The CEO wants only those key numbers and analyses that matter to him or her.
This chapter has two aims:
  1. First, I will integrate the different analyses that you may have used behind the scenes to answer the CEO’s questions. The individual analyses were addressed across many chapters. Here, we will knit them together succinctly in the context of this one research project.
  2. We will also consider possibilities for the form of the final report to the CEO, since, as discussed earlier in the book, appropriate reporting is a major business analytics skill.
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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