Business Dashboards through PROC GKPI

(The SAS dashboarding functionality is, unfortunately, not currently available in SAS University Edition and therefore SAS Studio provided via this package. It is available via all packages that include SAS/GRAPH, such as SAS 9.4 or SAS® Analytics Pro.)
When composing business reports, it is often useful to create simple but powerful dashboard graphics. These are graphics that allow you to express the level of some important measurement, in relation to a user-defined range, and potentially compared to a target level. Often, we also create thresholds within the range.
For example, you may use a dashboard to express a month’s production levels from your car factory as follows:
  • Say that the month’s production is at 1,637 cars.
  • You will show the production total within a range. You might set up the dashboard to run from 0 to 3,000 cars.
  • You could (optionally) compare the monthly sales to a set target sales level - say 1,500 - that you trying to beat.
  • In addition, you could define threshold values that you use to divide the range into three zones, say a zone of 0 - 1,000 to reflect a “below acceptable” range, a “within expectation” range of 1,001 - 2,000 and an “above expectation range” from 2001-3000 cars.
There are different ways of expressing these simple graphics. Figure 10.8 Some useful dashboard graphics (and code to generate) in PROC GKPI shows several of these, along with the associated code. (The code can also be found in “Code10c Business dashboards” in the “Textbook Materials” folder.)
Figure 10.8 Some useful dashboard graphics (and code to generate) in PROC GKPI
Also see Chapter 16 for examples of a business report using such dashboards.
Dashboard graphics are fundamentally color-oriented. Since this book is printed in greyscale, it is a good idea to go to the helpfiles for PROC GKPI (SAS/GRAPH 9.4 User’s Guide or the like) to see how these graphics can be displayed in color.
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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