The Aspects of Inaccuracy

The Two Faces of Inaccuracy

As we have discovered, when we do a study we get a representative point-estimate statistic. The real question behind accuracy is how confident we can be that this statistic represents the true, actual population statistic (assuming the sample is a good representation of the population).
Therefore, accuracy is all about how well our sample statistic reflects the true population statistic. Imagine that you could know the true population value (you cannot of course, but imagine this). Simplistically, the true population statistic might be characterized as existing or not existing in reality. The question is whether your statistical test can adequately reflect what exists in reality.
This principle is reflected in Figure 12.5 Illustration of accuracy issue in which a sample of South African mining engineers is tested for stress levels, with a score of 30 on some stress scale (say out of 100).
The question for the researcher is how much confidence we can put in this stress score. If we conclude that we have a high level of confidence in the score of 30 – say that at 95% confidence that the score lies between 29 and 31 (which is close to 30), then we can probably accept the sample statistic as being accurate. On the other hand if we have the statistic of 30 but it could lie anywhere between 20 and 40 then we’re less sure of how representative of the truth the score is.
Figure 12.5 Illustration of accuracy issue
This thinking is even more poignant when placed in the context of hypothesis testing, i.e. when you seek to reject or accept certain hypotheses. Let us use an example. In the chapter case example, imagine that you are a pharmaceutical company testing a drug. Drug trials are very expensive, capable of making massive revenue if they get approved, and can make a big difference in peoples’ lives if they work (see the introductory case to Chapter 18 for more on this issue). However, drugs can also be dangerous or misleading if patients think that they work when they do not. Your company could lose massive investments in marketing, get sued, or lose reputation if you put a drug on the market that you claim works but does not work in reality. The stakes are large and accuracy of your drug trials is important. You have a hypothesis that you need to test, namely, in this case we usually seek to reject the hypothesis that the drug does not work and accept the alternative hypothesis that the drug does work. These are stark, black-and-white decisions that have huge consequences.
The hypothesis testing scenario is helpful for thinking around the fact that accuracy is actually a multidimensional concept, not just one thing. For this discussion, look at Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems and Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues, which give the two possible population truths (there is or is not a true effect, i.e. the drug does or does not work in reality) and the possible sample statistic testing outcomes (the tests find or do not find an effect, i.e. we find the drug to work or to not work in the sample).
Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems
Obviously, in the drug testing example, there are two scenarios you want to happen in any given trial, namely:
  • The effect exists in reality and your test indeed finds a significant effect (top left cell). This cell is a good outcome: your statistical test reflects reality and your responses will be appropriate (accept that a finding exists). In the drug trial example, the drug does work in reality, your test confirms this, and your company can feel confident about marketing the drug.
  • The effect does not exist in reality and your test indeed finds a non-significant effect (bottom right). This cell is also a good outcome: your statistical test reflects reality and your responses will be appropriate (reject that a finding exists). In the drug trial example in Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues, your test shows little effect which reflects the truth that the drug does not work, and you can abandon the drug trial early and move on to more promising opportunities.
Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues
  1. Problem cell # 1 (the significance problem, a false positive). The effect does not exist in reality but your test finds a significant effect (top right). This is bad, because you now may assume that the effect exists but it does not, and your responses may be inappropriate. We call this a ”false positive,” because your test thinks there is an effect but this is false. We wish to minimize this risk. In the drug example of Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues, we think the drug works but it does not in reality. We start marketing it, and we mislead people, but we are probably eventually proved wrong and forced to withdraw the drug. We call this the significance problem, in most statistics texts it is the “Type I problem.” We often denote it as “alpha” or “α” which is the percentage/proportion chance of a false positive.
  2. Problem cell # 2 (the power problem, a false negative). The effect does exist in reality but your test cannot find it (bottom left). This is bad, because you assume that the effect is absent but there is an effect in reality; again, your responses may be inappropriate. In many statistical texts, this is called the “Type II problem.” We obviously also wish to minimize this risk. In the drug example of Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues, we do not think the drug works but it does work in reality. We may abandon the drug trials, missing out on what should have been an opportunity to help people and make substantial profits. We call this the power problem.
In the following sections I expand on these issues – the significance and power problems – as well as the notion of hypothesis testing.

Accuracy Problem #1: Statistical Significance

More on Statistical Significance

As discussed above, statistical significance refers to the chance of your statistic seeming to find a certain effect that is wrong, i.e. not sufficiently representative of the true population value. Another way to see significance tests is that they are formal tests that some statistic that you have measured is sufficiently accurate to be found again if you were to repeat your study, based on certain assumptions and your sample. The more likely it is that our sample statistic (say, the average stress of 30 of the sample in Figure 12.5 Illustration of accuracy issue) will be found again in future studies, the more likely it is that it is the true representation of the population.
The question of course is how to measure significance practically. This is covered in the rest of this section. Broadly, there are two different ways to measure and therefore to assess the significance of a statistic. Before looking at these, it is necessary to discuss the idea of confidence.
In statistics, “confidence” is a concept about the probabilities of certain things happening. We like to have high confidence in our findings (say 95% confidence) because it means that less than 5% of the time we discover some statistical finding that is actually wrong (i.e. the chance of being in the top right quadrant of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems). Putting this another way, if I tell you I have found a statistical estimate and have 97% confidence in it, this means that only 3% of the time will I find a very different estimate of the same statistic under the same condition: I can be confident in its accuracy.
Also important to understand is that there are two uses for statistical significance tests, as discussed next.

Two Uses of Statistical Significance Tests

Remember that statistical significance is all about accuracy: how often will my statistic found in the sample be very different from the same statistic if I do a similar study again?
There are two uses for an estimate of the accuracy of a statistic:
Accuracy Is Important For Its Own Sake
Have another look at the gold mining example in Figure 12.5 Illustration of accuracy issue. Here we have a sample of gold mining engineers and a statistic drawn from that sample of Average Stress = 30. We then say that, instead of focusing on the single estimate, we are 95% confident that this average statistic lies somewhere between 29 and 31. Compare that with 95% confidence that the statistic is between 20 and 40. Obviously the former range (where the lower and upper ends are only 1 away from the average) makes us more confident about the single average of 30 than the latter (which stretches 10 points below and above the average).
Ultimately the really experienced analyst, who is in tune with his or her data, will be able to look at the accuracy of a given statistic and decide whether the feasible range of the statistic indicates relative accuracy or inaccuracy.
Having said this, there is, in fact, a second very important use for accuracy statistics: hypothesis testing.
Hypothesis Testing
Often we wish to assess a given statistic against a benchmark to see if is either close to or far away from the benchmark. This is called hypothesis testing. By far the most common type of hypothesis test is against the benchmark of zero. Here, we have what is called the null hypothesis:
Null hypothesis: “My statistic = 0”
For instance, a null hypothesis might be “Increased sales due to the promotion = 0”.
We often look to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an “Alternative Hypothesis” that the statistic is not zero, or specifically above or below zero, so for instance:
Alternative Hypothesis: “Increased sales are not 0” or “Increased sales > 0”
For instance, in the pharmaceutical trial we might have the null hypothesis that the drug has no effect on the symptoms. Say our average effect found in the trial is a reduction in arthritis swelling by 12%. This is obviously not equal to zero, but how confident are we about the fact that it is in fact not too close to zero to tell the difference, remembering that this statistical number has a range? Our research question might say that takers of the drug experience improvement significantly higher than zero. So the null hypothesis is “Improvement from the drug = 0” and the alternative hypothesis is “Improvement from the drug > 0”.
Hypothesis testing is the basis for most scientific and industrial testing involving statistics. As discussed later, it is a very dangerous thing, however, when misunderstood, largely because showing that a statistic is probably not zero does not mean that it is also big or important in size. As reinforced in this chapter, size or magnitude of the statistic is the real issue of importance. Accuracy – which helps in hypothesis testing – is an important consideration but size is foremost. I will discuss this problem later in the text.
Now, understanding confidence and the uses of statistical significance tests, we are ready to start looking at two measures of statistical significance that use the concept. The two most common significance measures are confidence intervals and p-values, as discussed in the next two sections.

Significance Method # 1: Confidence Intervals

When we generate a single point value statistical estimate such as an average, this has the huge down-side of not reflecting anything about accuracy. Ultimately, it is far more useful if we can say something like “with a certain amount of confidence, the value of this statistic lies between X and Y,” or using a more specific example “with 95% confidence this average lies between 1,104 and 2,345.” This is a confidence interval.
Confidence intervals are possibly the most powerful and useful way of measuring and assessing statistical significance, and in fact a statistic generally. Figure 12.8 SAS example of statistics assessing accuracy of a mean shows a specific statistical output for the mean on our consumption data, including a 95% confidence interval[1] . In the figure you can see that the point estimate of the mean is 1500.01 and the 95% confidence interval is between 1487.70 and 1512.91.
Figure 12.8 SAS example of statistics assessing accuracy of a mean
You can generate confidence intervals at various levels other than 95% (such as 99%) in most statistical packages. Why are confidence intervals so useful?
  1. First, confidence intervals give a more realistic picture of your statistic, providing direct assessments of accuracy in the measurement of the statistic. For example, in Figure 12.8 SAS example of statistics assessing accuracy of a mean the 95% confidence interval is the range R1487.43 - R1512.59. The analyst is able to interpret this range directly as a judgment of relative accuracy.
  2. Second, confidence intervals are used to test specific hypotheses about the statistic, as discussed earlier. For example, say we had wanted to test whether average spending was significantly higher than a return-on-investment break-even figure of $1,250. In Figure 12.8 SAS example of statistics assessing accuracy of a mean the fact that this entire range of values in the confidence interval ($1487.43 to $1512.59) is higher than $1,250 tells us that, with 95% confidence, average spending in this sample is greater than the $1,250 break-even. As stated earlier, more often the hypothesis is that the interval does not contain zero – in which case you are saying “I bet that this statistic is significantly bigger or smaller than zero.” However, confidence intervals have the added advantage that they can test against any benchmark, not just zero.

Significance Method # 2: Single Inaccuracy Estimates & P-Values

Also available for most statistics are single values that in some way reflect relative inaccuracy. For instance, many statistics come with another value called the standard error, which reflects how inaccurate that statistic is (i.e. how well the statistic represents the population). The bigger the standard error or other inaccuracy number, the less accurate we think the statistic is. In Figure 12.8 SAS example of statistics assessing accuracy of a mean we see a column called “Std. Error” which gives the measure of relative inaccuracy for the average spending figure of R1,500.
To actually assess a raw measure of inaccuracy, like the standard error, can be difficult or close to impossible. As a result, we usually translate this inaccuracy number into a standard value called a p-value (“probability value”).
Most important to know is that p-values always test the null hypothesis as discussed above, where the null hypothesis is that the statistic is zero. Unlike confidence intervals, which can assess accuracy for its own sake or can test benchmarks other than zero, p-values always refer to the “Statistic = 0” null hypothesis.
As an illustration of p-values, let’s continue with the drug testing scenario. Say that you wish to test an HIV/AIDS drug. You give one group of HIV patients the drug, and compare their reactions to a control group that is not given the drug. Most importantly, you wish to compare a blood statistic called the “CD4 count” between the groups. If your drug works then you expect to see a better change over time in CD4 counts for the group that gets the drug than for the group that does not. Therefore, your null hypothesis (which you hope to reject) is:
Hull hypothesis: The drug makes no difference in CD4 counts between the two groups (or, more formally, the difference between the two groups = 0).
The alternate hypothesis (for which you hope to find evidence) is:
Alternate hypothesis: The drug leads to better CD4 counts in the group given the drug (or, more formally, CD4 for the group given drug – CD4 for the group not given drug > 0).
Where does the p-value come into all this? Well, say that your trial comes up with the conclusion that changes in CD4 counts are on average 10 points better in the group given the drug. Assuming you have designed the drug trial to screen out all other possible causes, there are two remaining possible reasons for this difference, namely a) the drug caused the difference, and b) the drug caused little difference and really the differences are just due to sheer random chance (people react randomly to things all the time).
Which is it? If the difference in CD4 is completely random and not due to the drug then, even though there is some numerical difference, actually the null hypothesis (difference = 0) is true. If the difference is big and accurate enough to rule out the null hypothesis (difference > 0) with a certain level of confidence, then we have evidence to suggest that the drug makes a difference.
The p-value is used for such hypothesis-based decisions. The p-value essentially tells you how likely it is that the null hypothesis is true compared to your found statistic, or that your statistic is due to random chance. Say I tell you that given the CD4 differences between the two groups and the inaccuracies, there is a 3% chance that the difference is actually just zero. In other words that although you found a difference of 10, this is just a result of random reactions and the difference could just as easily be zero, at the same level of confidence. The 3% is the p-value, and you may essentially say “I’m happy with the 3% chance of randomness. On the flip side this means that I can be 97% confident that my drug trial result is sufficiently far away from zero and accurate to be bigger than zero!”
This is then the primary use of the p-value: to provide an assessment of your statistic versus random chance. The lower the p-value, the greater the chance that your statistic is not random chance.
Figure 12.9 Hypothesis testing and p-values in the drug trial example: The problem below provides a courtroom metaphor of the basic hypothesis test issues, using drug testing as an example.
Figure 12.9 Hypothesis testing and p-values in the drug trial example: The problem
Figure 12.10 Hypothesis testing and p-values in the drug trial example: The scientific test below illustrates the p-value hypothesis testing response to such research questions.
Figure 12.10 Hypothesis testing and p-values in the drug trial example: The scientific test
Therefore, the p-value is a direct assessment of the probability of finding a statistic when this is wrong in the population, i.e. a false positive, or “alpha” (α) as shown in the top right quadrants of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems.
If we are not using confidence intervals, p-values are what we usually use in order to assess relative accuracy of a statistic. Appendix A of this chapter explains how we get from the measure of inaccuracy to the p-value, but you don’t really need to know this. The basic analyst can bypass the measure of inaccuracy and look directly at the p-value. The rest of this section therefore explains the use of p-values.
The following bullets summarize the use of p-values:
  • P-values are expressed in proportions that equate to the opposite of confidence relative to some benchmark, essentially measuring lack of confidence. For example, we may obtain a p-value of 0.02. In simple terms, this would equate to 2% ”lack of confidence” in our result; therefore we would be able to say that we have 98% statistical confidence in our result rather than the benchmark.
  • Therefore, the smaller the p-value the more accurate our statistic. We usually say that if the p-value is less than .05 or .01 then the statistic is significant at the 5% or 1% level, which equates to 95% and 99% confidence respectively.
  • A p-value of 5% or 1% means that there is a 5% or 1% chance of wrongly rejecting the hypothesis that the estimate is not accurate. When you do research and measure a statistic, you are implicitly proposing that your statistic is accurate. The standard error provides a measure of how variable and therefore potentially inaccurate your statistic might be. If our statistic is so variable that we are not likely to find the same estimate again, then we would reject our research proposition that it is accurate. Based on this, we can conclude whether our statistic is sufficiently accurate.
  • Normally we want a low p-value (less than, say, 0.05), because this reflects the conclusion that, in less than (say) 5% of similar studies, we would expect to find a significantly different statistical estimate to the one that we found.
Figure 12.11 Interpretation of p-values summarizes the interpretation of p-values.
Figure 12.11 Interpretation of p-values
P-values with SAS as an Example
In SAS, p-values are designated “Pr >.” Figure 12.12 Mean and correlations illustrating standard error and p-values shows two outputs. On the top is the earlier statistical output for our mean, and highlights the standard error. We would typically not try to interpret this directly. Instead, we would usually look to a p-value. The lower picture shows the p-values for some correlations (see the “Pr < |r|” rows) – the lower the p-value the more accurate our statistic; here the p-value is less than .0001 so we believe it is very accurate, as discussed in the figure.
Figure 12.12 Mean and correlations illustrating standard error and p-values
Therefore, if you are not using confidence intervals (or if you supplement the use of intervals with p-values), look for the p-value to be lower than .05 or .01 and interpret accordingly. (Note that some fields of study allow for higher p-values, such as .10 equating to significance at 10% and therefore 90% confidence).

Bootstrapping as a Better Way of Assessing Significance

There is a technique called bootstrapping (Efron & Tibshirani, 1993), which is usually a superior method for generating confidence intervals for statistics. This is an alternative to the usual way of generating confidence intervals (I explain the usual basic method in Appendix A).
Bootstrapping is often better because it usually produces more accurate confidence intervals. Many statistical packages make it possible for you to bootstrap your statistics at the click of a button. SAS has powerful abilities to bootstrap, but it is not an automated procedure (On the SAS website, there is an easy-to-follow macro to achieve it for any SAS procedure.)
When you bootstrap, you will generally find a section in the output that gives bootstrapped confidence intervals for your statistic (see Figure 12.13 Output with both original and bootstrapped confidence intervals for an example), and you can use and report these as the estimates of accuracy instead of the usual confidence intervals.
Figure 12.13 Output with both original and bootstrapped confidence intervals
If you are interested in the details, Appendix A briefly discusses how bootstrapping works, and why it produces better confidence intervals. You do not necessarily need to know all these details – if a statistical system makes it available, you usually can use the technique.
There are some relatively rare times you cannot bootstrap[2] , or where you must adjust it before it will work. If you are doing an unusual statistical analysis perhaps read up specifically on your type of analysis and bootstrapping.
One thing to note about bootstrapping is that it often gives you slightly different confidence interval limits every time you do it. This is part of the process and to be expected.

Accuracy Problem #2: Statistical Power

Introducing Power

The previous section assessed the statistical significance “Type I” problem seen in the top right quadrant of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems, i.e. the issue that you might find an effect in your sample statistic that actually does not line up with the population (a false positive). However, there was another problem seen in the bottom left quadrant of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems, namely the chance of missing an effect that does exist in the population (a false negative), otherwise known as the “power” or “Type II” problem. You may recall the drug trial example (see Figure 12.7 Medical drug testing illustration of significance and power issues) in which statistical significance may be the problem of finding that the drug works when it doesn’t, and the power problem being not finding an effect for the drug when in fact it does work. This section explains power in more detail.

Understanding Power

Allow me to start explaining power by using an analogy of a metal detector used to look for buried treasure. The power of the metal detector dictates how easy it is for it to locate a treasure:
  • The more powerful the metal detector, the more likely it is that a deeply-buried treasure will be found.
  • A more obvious treasure (a bigger and less-deeply buried one) can also be picked up by a weaker detector.
  • If the metal detector is too weak to pick up the treasure, it will of course not locate it, which is highly undesirable.
  • An exceptionally strong metal detector might pick up every little bit of metal instead of only locating larger loads of metal.
The power of a statistical test is like the power of the metal detector. It expresses the ability or sensitivity of a statistical test to detect an effect. There exists the unfortunate problem that you may not find statistical significance for an effect that you should otherwise have found (your test is not sensitive enough). Power also has another side, which is that some tests find everything to be statistically significant no matter how small (your test is almost too sensitive). I discuss both aspects below.

The Measurement of Power

Before understanding its elements and uses, it’s useful to understand the overall measurement of power. Power is measured as a proportion between 0 and 1, where 0 means that the test will not find an effect and the closer to 1 the power score gets, the greater the chance of finding an effect that does exist.
Is there a cut-off for ”good” power? Many statisticians prefer power > .80, i.e. at least an 80% chance of finding an effect that exists. This is debatable and depends partly on your research needs.
Figure 12.14 A statistical table in SAS including power shows an example of a power statistic from SAS. The power analysis is for a type of statistic that formally tests whether an average is significantly different from zero.
Figure 12.14 A statistical table in SAS including power
The data from Figure 12.14 A statistical table in SAS including power has the following details:
  • The average of the variable = 8
  • The standard deviation of the variable = 40
  • The sample size = 150
The final statistic assesses the power of the test. The power for this test is .68. Since close to 1 is better, this is fairly low, indicting that if an effect exists we may not have the ability to locate it (i.e. find it to be statistically significant). I discuss more below what this may mean and how to respond to it.
Having briefly discussed statistical power and its basic measurement, the following sections discusses two approaches to power as well as the elements of power.

The Elements of Power

Consider again the analogy of the metal detector. What makes for the chance that you will find the buried treasure? The following make it more likely you will find a treasure:
  1. The amount of ground you cover with the metal detector looking for the treasure: Of the total ground available, the more ground that you cover, the more likely that you will find the treasure.
  2. The size of the treasure: The bigger the size, the more likely that you will detect it.
  3. How spread out the treasure is: If the treasure is spread out over much ground, it will be hard to detect. A closely condensed treasure will be easier to detect.
  4. The chance you are willing to take of finding treasure that is not there: As you look for treasure you might also find other things like old, buried scrap metal. This wastes time and effort. Ironically, the more power, the more likely it is that you’ll find something small that you don’t want, a too-powerful metal detector will beep for anything from a paper-clip to a true treasure.
  5. The type of treasure: Some metals may be easier to locate than others; smaller quantities of them will give off stronger signals.
Similarly, returning to statistics, there exist various things that affect power of a statistical test, as follows:
  • Sample size: The bigger your sample, the better the power of the test. This is because the bigger the sample, the more likely that your statistic will reflect the true population (up to the point at which your sample is perfectly large, i.e. it is the population, and then your sample statistic is the population statistic). Having more observations is like covering more ground in the treasure-hunt, it gives us a better chance of finding an effect that does exist. Obviously, though, bigger samples are harder and more expensive to get.
  • Effect size of the statistic: Just like a bigger treasure is easier to locate, a larger statistical point estimate will be easier to locate or confirm, therefore making overall power better. For instance, say you have a sample of size n = 100. With this sample size, a correlation of .15 is not significant at 5%, whereas a correlation of .20 is significant at 1%. The sample sizes are identical (n = 100); a major difference is the relative sizes of the two correlations.
  • The variability (variance or standard deviation) in the statistic: If the expected variability in the statistic is larger, then power is smaller, since there is less accuracy in the possible answers and a higher chance of not finding the correct value. The metal detector analogy here is a treasure that is more or less spread out – the same size treasure (say 100kg of gold) will have a stronger magnetic field and be easier to locate if it is clustered together (low spread) than if it is spread out (higher variance).
  • Your willingness to find an effect that isn’t there (the test α): Remember the significance problem (Type I error as denoted by α, equating to the p-value calculation) is the chance of a false positive (top right quadrant of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems). When you do statistical testing, there is always a chance you might find a false positive. However, you might be willing to risk this to a greater or lesser extent. The test alpha is your willingness up-front to find effects that are not correct (false positives). Since power is the sensitivity of the test, higher power ironically also heightens the chance of a false positive. Therefore, the level of Type I error you are willing to accept affects the power of your test – the more you are willing to risk a false positive the more powerful your test will be to find a true effect. The treasure analogy here is your willingness to also find non-treasure metals. If you only want a 1% chance of thinking you’ve found treasure and digging up a car wheel, then whatever your metal detector you are less willing to dig up things that you find unless they are huge. This runs the risk that you’ll pass over a small but real treasure (a false negative risk, as seen in the bottom left of Figure 12.6 Pictorial illustration of significance/power problems). If you are willing to run a 10% chance of digging up false treasure instead, by implication your power with the same detector is higher because you will take more chances to dig, leading you both to more false positives but also more smaller treasures that you’d have passed over if you were more fussy.
  • The type of test: I also note that some statistical tests are inherently more powerful than others. As seen in the analogy of treasure that is more or less easy to find by nature, some statistical tests are simply more or less powerful. This has good and bad elements; remember that great power may mean everything looks significant, even the small stuff.
Power is therefore increased when:
  • Sample sizes are bigger.
  • The raw statistical effect (point estimate of the statistic) is bigger.
  • The statistic is more accurate (less varied, usually proxied by how variable the data is).
  • Test alpha is higher (you are inherently more willing to accept Type I or false positive errors).
  • The test you are using is more powerful.
Typically, each of the first four elements above is related to each other by an equation, the form of the equation depending on which test is used. This text won’t teach the equations, but they are quite easy to access.

Power Measured Before and After Testing

You can assess power before or after your study.
Assessing Power Before a Study: “A Priori” Power Analysis
It is possible to analyze aspects of power before even starting your research – we call this a priori power analysis. Why would you want to do such a thing? Usually, researchers want to know in advance of starting one of two things: a) how big a sample they need to gather in order to achieve their aim, or b) whether the sample they know they are going to get will allow for sufficient power.
To assess how big a sample you will need for a minimum level of power, you need the likely values of the major elements of power as follows:
  1. The minimum power level you are willing to settle for: As discussed, researchers often use minimum power of .80.
  2. The raw statistical point-estimate desired: Say that in a drug trial you are able to provide a target level of improvement.
  3. The variability (variance or standard deviation) of the effect: This is harder to access. However, figures for the population effect can be calculated or located based on similar studies elsewhere and the like.
  4. The test alpha: As discussed earlier, you can decide on the level of Type I error you’re willing to accept. If you are willing to relax the alpha (allow a higher error) then your power issues are also relaxed. In the drug trial example you may decide that you do not need alpha of .05 equating to 95% confidence and a 5% chance of a false positive. Perhaps the drug has few side effects but if it works it will save lives: in this case, perhaps allowing for a higher (say 15%) chance of finding an effect but being wrong (and therefore marketing the drug) is deemed acceptable.
Using pre-guesses of each of these, equations exist to estimate how big a sample your test will then need to achieve the minimum power (Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken, 2003). For an example, see the SAS output in Figure 12.15 Measurement of a-priori power using SAS PROC POWER.
Figure 12.15 Measurement of a-priori power using SAS PROC POWER
If on the other hand you know the sample size you will get, you can also turn such equations around and calculate the power you will achieve. If you find the power to be low, you can perhaps rethink aspects of your study such as the sample, alpha, minimum effect size, etc.
Assessing Power After a Study: “Post Hoc” Power Analysis
You can also assess the power of a statistical estimate that has already been generated, which we call ”post-hoc” analysis. Figure 12.14 A statistical table in SAS including power above shows a post-hoc power analysis, which is the power the test has to assess the ability of the test to find effects once the elements of the test are known.
The problem with post-hoc power analysis is that the test has already been computed, which means that your options to deal with problems caused by power is now more limited than when you figured out power in advance (a priori). You do have options to respond reactively to problems in power, so post-hoc analysis is useful too.
However, do not assume you need to react to low post-hoc power. Low power is not always a problem. If your statistical test finds an effect that has relatively acceptable statistical significance despite relatively low power, then power has not affected the situation. (True, had the power been higher, the significance would have been put out of question. However, significance is still OK here.) This situation of statistical significance with relatively low power would happen only if there was a very large effect with low variability or a very large sample. Your response in this case would probably be to deal with the low power, and especially to try to avoid low power in future replications of your test.

The Two Main Power Problems

The following two power issues can arise.
The Low Power Problem
If you have an effect that seems worth taking into account but has poor significance (confidence intervals that are too wide, high p-values, i.e. high chance of a false positive) and it also has low power (say power < .80) then you have a low power problem. For instance, you may have a statistic with a p-value of .054 (with which you might not be satisfied) and low power of .57. The issue is that normally we would want to conclude that our effect is not statistically significant (at the 95% level) but the simultaneously low power means that we cannot be sure of this. Because we have low power, we lack the ability to find effects that really exist. The poor significance could be a factor of the power not necessarily of poor accuracy or effect size. Figure 12.16 Illustration of the low power problem illustrates the low power problem graphically.
Figure 12.16 Illustration of the low power problem
Here we have a correlation = .28, which may or may not be found to be statistically significant depending on sample size. With low enough power, such a correlation will be found to be non-significant (its confidence interval will include zero). However, if the correlation of .28 is a correct representation of the population correlation then improving power to find significance is desirable. If the low power problem occurs (low power and non-significance), then the guidelines discussed above apply to dictate your possible remedies:
  1. Increase the sample size: This will improve power but is expensive and hard to achieve. It also requires you to re-do all your statistical computations, since there will be new data. It is rarely the route taken.
  2. Improve the variability of the statistic: As explained previously, the variability in the fundamental statistic affects power. You can sometimes improve variability by improving your model. Usually this improvement is achieved through better modeling of what data you do have, but better data collection in advance is best. For instance:
    1. Reduce measurement error: You may have badly measured your core variables contributing to the effect and be able to revisit their measurement. For instance, if you used a multi-item scale, can you revisit the process you went through to get final scores, and improve it? Power may be improved if reliability of measurements is improved.
    2. Include other variables: Aside from the variables you have already used, are there others you might add to the analysis to reflect the true context of your effect better? For example, in calculating a correlation between two variables it is possible to estimate a correlation which is simultaneously controlled, for the effect of other variables. This may improve power. We will see this sort of thinking in the regression and comparison of means chapters.
    3. Improve the modeling of the original variables: Even when we have a statistic and no way to improve the data or add other variables, we may be able to improve the basic modeling technique used.
  3. Increase your test alpha: Recall that your power is affected by your test alpha (your willingness to accept false positives, i.e. worse significance levels). You can alter the significance levels that you test for (the test alpha) when you test, which will improve power. The default of most statistical programs is to test at the alpha = .05 level. However, if (and only if) you conclude that your study context can accept a lower Type I error rate (e.g. alpha = .10), then you can retest at this level and power will improve. However, this approach will not affect your actual p-values, so actual Type I error still stays as is. The difference is that power will increase, because you don’t need as much to find an effect. Therefore, if your p-value was very poor (say p = .24) then this is not really a solution because allowing yourself to accept a 10% error is still no good if error is 24%.
The High Power Problem
The other potential problem is that of excessively strong power that leads even the smallest effects to be statistically significant. This generally occurs when sample sizes are very big. This is frankly not a problem so long as the researcher does not put statistical significance ahead of size. Just because a statistic is significant (p-value is low or a confidence interval is narrow) does not mean that the statistic is important. As discussed in the first sections of this chapter, a statistic is important when its raw magnitude is big. We desire a big and accurate statistic, but accuracy is secondary to size: tiny and accurate means you have practically no effect, despite statistical significance. For instance, in Figure 12.17 Illustration of the high power problem there is a tiny correlation of .06 which is very close to zero. The figure also shows this correlation to be statistically significant as its confidence interval lies between .02 and .10. However, this significance merely acts to confirm that the correlation is small; we would never now say such a correlation is worth taking seriously. Therefore, when you have strong power, statistical significance, and seemingly low effect size, you have the problem of high power. In such a case you should probably accept that your statistic may be statistically significantly greater than zero but that this is a technicality and it is functionally very small and not important.
Figure 12.17 Illustration of the high power problem
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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