Simulation in Business Situations

Introduction to Simulation

So far, we have looked at statistics that you perform on actual, real data that you have gathered.
On the other hand, simulation is a class of analysis based on hypothetical data that you make up, in order to study real life events and objects. This chapter explains this concept briefly, starting with an initial example.

Initial Example of a Simulation

To explain this concept of simulation with hypothetical made-up data, imagine you are an automobile company. You want to assess the production of a certain car, which is assembled on a production line on which employees and machines work in a given sequence of activities. There are various things you could change to improve the efficiency of the production line, such as the sequence of activities and the speed that the cars come down the line. However, actually changing the currently active production line to test out different options is not feasible.
You could simulate the production line changes to assess the most efficient workflow design. In other words you could create a hypothetical model of the production line using the known speeds, possible employee and machine combinations, and the like. These days, such models would be created by computer. Then, you could try out various options on the hypothetical model, such as varying speeds, number of employees performing certain actions, and the like. Modern computing power could enable many thousands – even far more – different combinations and possibly show management more efficient configurations for the factory.
The following sections discuss types of simulations, describe a broad approach to simulation, and give a specific example.

Types of Simulations

Physical Simulations

Physical simulations are those that create real models that look like the world they are trying to represent. An example of a physical simulation is a flight simulator, which is a machine simulating the real environment of an airplane or helicopter cockpit (more modern versions might use virtual reality with some real instruments). Pilots train in simulators to test and improve their flying ability safely against all sorts of environments (even those that are difficult or dangerous) and in types of aircraft they may not have access to. In the example in the previous section, a graphical representation of the automotive factory could be built, with production lines and people that are animated according to certain predefined rules. Then managers could physically see the effect of certain changes.

Process Simulations

Process simulations are those that list, describe and model the steps that need to be done and the resources that need to be marshalled to fulfill a task. Typically, the process is first represented in a process map, in a manner similar to that seen in Figure 18.2 A piece of a process map below. In the example given in the previous section of an automotive factory, you could map all the tasks, steps, choices, actors and resources in a typical production of a car. Then you could add various rules and options that could simulate the process as though a given car or sequence of cars was being produced. In this way, you can examine the effect of changes.
Figure 18.2 A piece of a process map

Mathematical Simulations

Mathematical simulations are those that use equations made up of interrelated symbols to model certain things. This is the most abstract of simulation types. In reality, however, it is essentially how the two other types of simulation (described above) operate beneath the surface. While this concept may seem complicated, it is not necessarily so. Mathematical equations to represent business situations are not at all uncommon, and once an analyst gets used to the basic principles, even complex situations can be simulated in time. The next section describes mathematical modeling in a little more detail.
The key points regarding these three simulation types is that they all have uses in business, and all of them require hypothetical data to run. Physical simulations – although they look as real as possible – are built from and operate from specific data you have given them, as do process and mathematical models.
Certainly, mathematical models are what we usually mean in the world of business statistics when we say simulation. In the next section I discuss these types of models a little further.

More on Mathematical Simulation

To better understand mathematical simulation, let us turn immediately to a simple example.
Say you want to model a queuing system in a retail environment because you wish to optimize how many tills to use and what type of queuing system you can use. You could build mathematical equations for each major part of the experience. For instance, the time to process each person at the till could be represented as a function of the number of items they are buying and the payment method (cash or card). A simple equation in this regard could be:
(Time to process person “i”) = Constant + β1(No. items) + β2(Card payment) + ϵ.
Here, the time to process a given person is defined as a linear function of:
  • A constant intercept plus
  • the number of items being bought multiplied by “β1” which is a time parameter, plus
  • the 0/1 dummy variable representing payment method (where Card = 1 and cash = 0) multiplied by time parameter “β2“ plus
  • a certain random error “ϵ” included to represent deviations from this average model.
Therefore, this is essentially the same as a regression line. Say that the constant is 23.56 seconds, β1 = 4.3 (which means that a cashier processes an item every 4.3 seconds on average), and β2= 10.85 (which means that it takes the cashier 10.85 seconds longer to process a card payment than a cash payment).
Then, if a simulated person has ten items and pays with a card, we can expect the time at the till to be:
(Time to process person “i”) = 23.56 + (4.3 seconds x 10 items) + (10.85 seconds to represent the extra time it takes to process a card) = 77.41 seconds.
So far, this is an example of a deterministic model, in that the parameters and data is set and we get a specific outcome.
However, simulation models are usually most useful when we build stochastic models, which include the element of probability. Say, for instance, that we program SAS to use the above equation but to generate a random, hypothetical sample of shoppers drawn from a specified distribution of number of items and with a certain randomized chance of being either a cash or card payer. The distribution of items could be specified as a particular shape, say the normal or lognormal distributions as seen in Chapter 7, so that a random person could have any number of shopping items in the range but the total distribution of shoppers is determined by the shape. (For example, you could specify that most simulated shoppers be allocated close to the average number of items and only a few shoppers be given an extremely low or high number of items.) Both the distribution of items and of payment methods could be drawn from observed, known, historical distributions seen in past shopper patterns.
To illustrate, say that we randomly simulate the five shoppers seen in Figure 18.3 Example of time at till for five simulated shoppers below, where the inputs (number of items and payment method) are randomly chosen. The equation above will dictate the time at till (we keep the parameters the same).
Figure 18.3 Example of time at till for five simulated shoppers
We see in Figure 18.3 Example of time at till for five simulated shoppers above that this results in a simulated distribution of time at till.
Now, what happens if we decide to look at multiple queues and types of tills, set up on different systems? For instance, do we have one queue feeding multiple queues, or one queue per till? What happens if we have cash-only tills, and if so, how many should we have? We could add some more elements and some more equations using the same principles, update the equations to express the interrelationships of elements across the whole experience of the queuing system, and perhaps compare different systems. Telling SAS to simulate distributions of shoppers would allow us to look for a system that – according to the simulated distribution – minimizes the average person’s time in the queue. We could also test the effect of changing the time parameters on these systems.
As you can see, the data and analyses elements exist in multiple places in this very simple example:
  • We probably used historical data analysis to derive the average time parameters for the equation.
  • We need to derive the simulated data of shopper items, payment details, and other such elements. As noted above, observed distributions based on actual, past shopper data would typically be used.
  • We need an algorithm to estimate when the time in queue has been minimized.
Such mathematical simulation models can be used to optimize many processes and systems across organizations.

Conclusion on Simulation Modeling

Mathematical simulation models are incredibly useful for multiple business situations ranging from assessing logistics supply chain systems, to staffing call centers, to production problems, to financial analysis. To read more on simulation, see texts such as Greasley (2003) and Wicklin (2013).
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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