The PROC SGPLOT Routine in SAS

Introduction to PROC SGPLOT

PROC SGPLOT is a powerful contemporary SAS routine. It allows you to make a great number of basic graphs, including scatter, bar, line, box, histogram, ellipsis, bubble, density, dot, block, dropline, high-low, needle, spline, Loess, polygon, and waterfall charts among many others. (Perhaps only a few of these mean anything to you at this stage. Do not worry: examples of these appear below and in the SAS helpfiles and guides, notably SAS 9.4 ODS Graphics: Procedures Guide, Third Edition).
There is a second, powerful feature of PROC SGPLOT, namely, overlaying. Here, you can create various related graphs, even using different graph formats, and lay the graphs over each other in the same graph area. For example, you can combine multiple scatter plots together in the same view to show the difference in relationships of different variables, or combine a bar chart with a line chart that shows something specific about the data.
The following section gives just a few examples of the many things one can achieve in PROC SGPLOT.

Examples of PROC SGPLOT Graphs

Line Plots

Line plots are usually for data that are measured over time or some other sequential basis.
Since we do not really have such data in the main book example, we will use the “Electric” dataset in the “sashelp” library that should have been installed with the program. This dataset includes data on United States power generation through various sources, such as coal or nuclear, over a period of years.
Say that you want to track just the power generated from coal alone, specifically for residential use, for the years after 2000. See this very simple example of PROC SG PLOT in Figure 10.1 Example of a simple line plot (and code) below:
Figure 10.1 Example of a simple line plot (and code)
You can also overlay and compare different line graphs. For example, to compare and contrast the annual contribution of coal, gas and nuclear, we could run the code seen in Figure 10.2 Overlay of multiple line graphs and get the resulting graph:
Figure 10.2 Overlay of multiple line graphs

Scatter Graphs in PROC SGPLOT

Similarly, one can use PROC SGPLOT to generate scatter plots of data relationships. Figure 10.3 Example of a scatter plot in PROC SGPLOT below shows a scatterplot from the main textbook example, where the two variables in the scatter are Trust and Sales.
Figure 10.3 Example of a scatter plot in PROC SGPLOT
You can also create scatter graphs grouped by some qualitative split in the data, for example, in Figure 10.4 Grouped scatter plot in SGPLOT we split the initial scatterplot by the two License types (Freeware and Premium). Note that this is a black-and-white version; running the same code using an ODS HTML Style = HTMLBLUE command or the like will differentiate data points using different colors.
Figure 10.4 Grouped scatter plot in SGPLOT

Bar Graphs in PROC SGPLOT

You can also create various bar charts. Figure 10.5 Simple bar graph in SGPLOT below shows a very simple bar chart of Sales averages for the main book example.
Figure 10.5 Simple bar graph in SGPLOT
In SAS, bar charts can be combined in multiple ways in the same graph, contrasted in the same area with other graphs, and so on. See the SAS helpfiles for more.

Box-and-Whisper Plots

Box-and-whisker plots (”box plots”) are a particularly effective way of displaying a lot of variable information in a simple way. Figure 10.6 Example and explanation of a box plot in PROC SGPLOT below shows and explains the box-and-whisker plot derived by looking at sales levels for different customer sizes in the book example (see the relevant code in “Code10a SGPLOT Graphs”).
Figure 10.6 Example and explanation of a box plot in PROC SGPLOT
As can be seen in Figure 10.6 Example and explanation of a box plot in PROC SGPLOT above, box plots give a remarkably complete picture of the distribution of data.

Other Graphing Options and Formatting in SGPLOT

There are a great number of graphing options in SGPLOT. To become familiar with them all, it is probably necessary to experiment and see what you can do. Companion texts that will help include Kuhfeld (2010) and Matange & Heath (2011), but ultimately reading the helpfiles and guides and experimenting with options is the best way to learn.
Also, do not forget: the default settings in SAS are only the beginning. There are hundreds of commands that can make the graphs look exactly how you like, and can create graphs that are far more attractive than the simple defaults.
For instance, open “Code10a SGPLOT Graphs” and run the piece of code at the end entitled /*A prettier example*/. You will see a simple bar graph that is enhanced using a different color with an attractive sheen, bold labels, and so on. (You need to have an ODS HMTL setting that will show this enhanced graph; see above).
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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