Issue # 1: Size of a Statistic

Size Matters!

Also called the magnitude, size represents the literal numerical size, impact or importance of a statistic. For example, if you have calculated an average, is it a big average in its context? If you have calculated a correlation that represents linear association, is it a big or small correlation and therefore a strong or weak linear association? Figure 12.1 Example of statistical output for the mean or average of a variable shows an example of an output calculating the mean of spending on a product by business customers. The key number is the literal size of the average, so we see that in our sample, customers spend about $1,500.01 (rounded to $1,500) per month.
Figure 12.1 Example of statistical output for the mean or average of a variable
Size or magnitude is really the important attribute of a statistic. The numerical size of a statistic will determine the impact that the underlying construct realistically has on the world around it, and therefore its importance. Never lose sight of the fact that size of any statistic is the real issue at hand.

Interpreting the Size of a Statistic

Interpreting Raw Size

Once you have done an analysis, you should always try to interpret the size of a statistic in terms that represent its real meaningfulness.
This is usually only possible when you have a frame of reference for your data, such as a sense of the spread of the data or some comparison number for what is ”big” or ”small.” For instance, a Sales number of $1,500 is meaningless on its own. It takes on meaning only when you as the analyst understand more information about the Sales data in general. Historical Sales data could have such a spread and average that $1,500 is big, small or normal in historical context.
However, direct interpretation of statistics is often not easy or even possible. This can happen for two main reasons:
  • The underlying data may be such that you do not necessarily know what is big or small.
  • Many statistics have no immediate connection to underlying data anyway – they are measurements of concepts about data or associations between variables, but measured in ways that most analysts could not interpret directly. I provide an example in the next main section on standardized statistics.
Despite the fact that many statistics cannot easily be interpreted directly, always strive to interpret the actual magnitude of your statistics.
There are two things to consider when considering the raw size of your statistic, as explained in the next two sections.

Looking at the Size of Your Statistic on Its Own

Hopefully your statistic has its own meaning or interpretation that means something to you. For instance, in our example of customers, the average spend of $1,500 per customer is possibly intrinsically meaningful. You may look at changes in this value over time, compare it to your competitors, or find other ways of assessing its meaning to you.
If you think about it, you will realize that every statistic is meaningless without some benchmark against which to compare it. In the previous example, comparison was needed against historical levels, competitors, etc.

Extrapolating Your Statistics to Further Business Implications

This book focuses on business statistics, therefore considering business implications of your findings – such as financial or strategic implications – is highly desirable. Even if you are reading this and you are not a business person, you may wish to consider the business consequences of your research, perhaps in monetary terms. Perhaps you are a medical or pharmaceutical researcher. Converting your statistics to monetary terms may help you understand the commercial feasibility and pricing of your drug or the impact of your suggestions on the hospital’s pricing policy. If you are in education you could comment on the impact on school fees, textbook pricing, or the economy. In zoology you could consider the impact of your findings on the entrance tickets for parks or zoos, or on the number of park rangers required.
Also, the lessons taught in this book can be extended to other end outcomes, not just money. For instance, the medical world sometimes measures “Quality of Life Years” (QUALYs) as a patient outcome. One could use the same sort of procedure as for monetary extrapolation.
Chapter 17 discusses extrapolation of statistics to financial outcomes in particular in more detail.
Sometimes the raw size of a statistic is hard to interpret. The next section discusses a way around this.

Standardized Statistics

Sometimes the data you are using is measured in hard-to-interpret ways. For example, you may ask twenty questions in a survey all designed to assess stress, and each question may be measured on a 1-5 scale. You may then combine all these stress answers for each person into an overall stress index. What does this index really mean though? You can tell if a person is more or less stressed by their position on the scale, but if I tell you that average stress is a score of 67, what does this really mean? If someone improves from 67 to 62 how good is this really? Such a scale, measured as it is in arbitrary units, is hard to interpret directly.
In other cases, statistical analysis gives us some statistical estimate that, by its own nature, is difficult to interpret directly.
In these cases, statistical packages often give us standardized values for the size of a statistic. Standardized (sometimes called normalized) statistics are very useful in these cases, because they translate something that may be hard to interpret into a standard scale with well-understood properties and cut-offs.
For instance, Figure 12.2 Example of a standardized (normalized) statistic shows an example of a statistical output called the “Mardia measures of multivariate kurtosis” (don’t worry about the terminology for now). These measures assess the extent to which a set of variables are normally distributed, not only individually but as a whole set.
As seen in Figure 12.2 Example of a standardized (normalized) statistic, the raw statistic assessing the normality of the variables is called the “Mardia Multivariate Kurtosis”. Technically, this Mardia score needs to be zero for perfect normality. But it is not – in the example the score is 1.65. The question is whether this is too far from zero? What should we conclude: does our statistic tell us that the variables are not normally distributed because 1.64 is not zero? Or is it close enough to zero to conclude that the variables are normally distributed? Unfortunately we cannot really tell, because the raw Mardia score has no recognizable cut-offs.
Figure 12.2 Example of a standardized (normalized) statistic
Instead, SAS provides you with a ”Normalized Multivariate Kurtosis” score, which is standardized onto a scale that does have a known cut-off. On this particular standardized scale, anything bigger than 3 is usually considered potentially big enough that it may be far from zero. Here we see that the Normalized Multivariate Kurtosis score is only .68, which is smaller than 3, so we would probably conclude that our variables are normally distributed. It is the provision of an extra standardized statistic that enabled us to make this conclusion, because the original raw Mardia statistic was hard to interpret.
Note that this is only one of many examples. Many other examples exist of standardizing statistics so that the relative size can be ascertained. As you will see in the next two chapters, certain more advanced measures of association between variables come with standardized values so that they can be read as though they are correlations, because we understand correlations well.
You should always try to use raw, unstandardized values for statistics if you are able to assess them in their units, because it is the raw values that reflect the actual impact of the statistic, as discussed earlier under the magnitude discussion. Standardized values are very useful as extra analyses and especially useful if you cannot use the raw statistics. Each time you use a standardized statistic, you need to look up the particular rules for what a ”big”’ or ”small”’ standardized value is in the context of that statistic.
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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