The Running Data Example

Reminder of the Main Textbook Case Study

To facilitate the discussion of the next few chapters, I will continue to work with the Accu-Phi case study from Chapter 1, specifically with the following variables (see Figure 6.1 First lines of initial dataset below for a reminder of the initial data format):
  • Sales: Measured as actual services sales in dollars in the first year of sales.
  • License: A description of what license the customer has ( “Freeware” or “Premium”).
  • Size: A description of the size of the customer by turnover, with the character values “Small,” “Medium,” or “Big.”
  • Trust: The trust the customer has in your product and company. You have measured trust through four questions in an online survey, on a 0-100 point sliding scale.
  • Customer satisfaction: Measured through four questions in an online customer survey, but from 1-7.
  • Enquiries: The average number of enquiries about the core software product logged with the call center or online help by customers, per month, since starting use of the product.
Figure 6.1 First lines of initial dataset
The download available on the course website in the “Textbook Materials” folder, gives this initial dataset (“Data01_Initial”).

Reminder of Your Brief for the Case Example

Let us say that your CEO wants you to analyze the data and answer the following questions which are important to the company:
  • How did the first-year sales go?
  • Are our customers satisfied and to what extent do they trust us?
  • How many enquiries do customers make?
  • Do sales, satisfaction, trust or enquiries differ depending on whether the customer has a premium or freeware contract, and depending on customer size?
  • What is the distribution of licenses between the levels of size?
  • Is sales seemingly substantially associated with any of the other variables?
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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