3.4 Co-Processors

CPU architects often want to provide flexibility in what features are implemented in the CPU. One way to provide such flexibility at the instruction set level is to allow co-processors, which are attached to the CPU and implement some of the instructions. For example, floating-point arithmetic was introduced into the Intel architecture by providing separate chips that implemented the floating-point instructions.

To support co-processors, certain opcodes must be reserved in the instruction set for co-processor operations. Because it executes instructions, a co-processor must be tightly coupled to the CPU. When the CPU receives a co-processor instruction, the CPU must activate the co-processor and pass it the relevant instruction. Co-processor instructions can load and store co-processor registers or can perform internal operations. The CPU can suspend execution to wait for the co-processor instruction to finish; it can also take a more superscalar approach and continue executing instructions while waiting for the co-processor to finish.

A CPU may, of course, receive co-processor instructions even when there is no co-processor attached. Most architectures use illegal instruction traps to handle these situations. The trap handler can detect the co-processor instruction and, for example, execute it in software on the main CPU. Emulating co-processor instructions in software is slower but provides compatibility.

Co-processors in ARM

The ARM architecture provides support for up to 16 co-processors attached to a CPU. Co-processors are able to perform load and store operations on their own registers. They can also move data between the co-processor registers and main ARM registers.

An example ARM co-processor is the floating-point unit. The unit occupies two co-processor units in the ARM architecture, numbered 1 and 2, but it appears as a single unit to the programmer. It provides eight 80-bit floating-point data registers, floating-point status registers, and an optional floating-point status register.

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