5.8 Program-Level Energy and Power Analysis and Optimization

Power consumption is a particularly important design metric for battery-powered systems because the battery has a very limited lifetime. However, power consumption is increasingly important in systems that run off the power grid. Fast chips run hot and controlling power consumption is an important element of increasing reliability and reducing system cost.

How much control do we have over power consumption? Ultimately, we must consume the energy required to perform necessary computations. However, there are opportunities for saving power:

We may be able to replace the algorithms with others that do things in clever ways that consume less power.

Memory accesses are a major component of power consumption in many applications. By optimizing memory accesses we may be able to significantly reduce power.

We may be able to turn off parts of the system—such as subsystems of the CPU, chips in the system, and so on—when we don’t need them in order to save power.

The first step in optimizing a program’s energy consumption is knowing how much energy the program consumes. It is possible to measure power consumption for an instruction or a small code fragment [Tiw94]. The technique, illustrated in Figure 5.23, executes the code under test over and over in a loop. By measuring the current flowing into the CPU, we are measuring the power consumption of the complete loop, including both the body and other code. By separately measuring the power consumption of a loop with no body (making sure, of course, that the compiler hasn’t optimized away the empty loop), we can calculate the power consumption of the loop body code as the difference between the full loop and the bare loop energy cost of an instruction.


Figure 5.23 Measuring energy consumption for a piece of code.

Several factors contribute to the energy consumption of the program:

Energy consumption varies somewhat from instruction to instruction.

The sequence of instructions has some influence.

The opcode and the locations of the operands also matter.

Choosing which instructions to use can make some difference in a program’s energy consumption, but concentrating on the instruction opcodes has limited payoffs in most CPUs. The program has to do a certain amount of computation to perform its function. While there may be some clever ways to perform that computation, the energy cost of the basic computation will change only a fairly small amount compared to the total system energy consumption, and usually only after a great deal of effort. We are further hampered in our ability to optimize instruction-level energy consumption because most manufacturers do not provide detailed, instruction-level energy consumption figures for their processors.

Memory effects

In many applications, the biggest payoff in energy reduction for a given amount of designer effort comes from concentrating on the memory system. Memory transfers are by far the most expensive type of operation performed by a CPU [Cat98]—a memory transfer requires tens or hundreds of times more energy than does an arithmetic operation. As a result, the biggest payoffs in energy optimization come from properly organizing instructions and data in memory. Accesses to registers are the most energy efficient; cache accesses are more energy efficient than main memory accesses.

Caches are an important factor in energy consumption. On the one hand, a cache hit saves a costly main memory access, and on the other, the cache itself is relatively power hungry because it is built from SRAM, not DRAM. If we can control the size of the cache, we want to choose the smallest cache that provides us with the necessary performance. Li and Henkel [Li98] measured the influence of caches on energy consumption in detail. Figure 5.24 breaks down the energy consumption of a computer running MPEG (a video encoder) into several components: software running on the CPU, main memory, data cache, and instruction cache.


Figure 5.24 Energy and execution time vs. instruction/data cache size for a benchmark program [Li98].

As the instruction cache size increases, the energy cost of the software on the CPU declines, but the instruction cache comes to dominate the energy consumption. Experiments like this on several benchmarks show that many programs have sweet spots in energy consumption. If the cache is too small, the program runs slowly and the system consumes a lot of power due to the high cost of main memory accesses. If the cache is too large, the power consumption is high without a corresponding payoff in performance. At intermediate values, the execution time and power consumption are both good.

Energy optimization

How can we optimize a program for low power consumption? The best overall advice is that high performance = low power. Generally speaking, making the program run faster also reduces energy consumption.

Clearly, the biggest factor that can be reasonably well controlled by the programmer is the memory access patterns. If the program can be modified to reduce instruction or data cache conflicts, for example, the energy required by the memory system can be significantly reduced. The effectiveness of changes such as reordering instructions or selecting different instructions depends on the processor involved, but they are generally less effective than cache optimizations.

A few optimizations mentioned previously for performance are also often useful for improving energy consumption:

Try to use registers efficiently. Group accesses to a value together so that the value can be brought into a register and kept there.

Analyze cache behavior to find major cache conflicts. Restructure the code to eliminate as many of these as you can:

For instruction conflicts, if the offending code segment is small, try to rewrite the segment to make it as small as possible so that it better fits into the cache. Writing in assembly language may be necessary. For conflicts across larger spans of code, try moving the instructions or padding with NOPs.

For scalar data conflicts, move the data values to different locations to reduce conflicts.

For array data conflicts, consider either moving the arrays or changing your array access patterns to reduce conflicts.

Make use of page mode accesses in the memory system whenever possible. Page mode reads and writes eliminate one step in the memory access, saving a considerable amount of power.

Metha et al. [Met97] present some additional observations about energy optimization:

Moderate loop unrolling eliminates some loop control overhead. However, when the loop is unrolled too much, power increases due to the lower hit rates of straight-line code.

Software pipelining reduces pipeline stalls, thereby reducing the average energy per instruction.

Eliminating recursive procedure calls where possible saves power by getting rid of function call overhead. Tail recursion can often be eliminated; some compilers do this automatically.

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