7.5 System Analysis and Architecture Design

In this section we consider how to turn a specification into an architecture design. We already have a number of techniques for making specific decisions; in this section we look at how to get a handle on the overall system architecture. The CRC card methodology for system analysis is one very useful method for understanding the overall structure of a complex system.

7.5.1 CRC Cards

The CRC card methodology is a well-known and useful way to help analyze a system’s structure. It is particularly well suited to object-oriented design because it encourages the encapsulation of data and functions.

The acronym CRC stands for the following three major items that the methodology tries to identify:

Classes define the logical groupings of data and functionality.

Responsibilities describe what the classes do.

Collaborators are the other classes with which a given class works.

The name CRC card comes from the fact that the methodology is practiced by having people write on index cards. (In the United States, the standard size for index cards is 3″ × 5″, so these cards are often called 3 × 5 cards.) An example card is shown in Figure 7.10; it has space to write down the class name, its responsibilities and collaborators, and other information. The essence of the CRC card methodology is to have people write on these cards, talk about them, and update the cards until they are satisfied with the results.


Figure 7.10 Layout of a CRC card.

This technique may seem like a primitive way to design computer systems. However, it has several important advantages. First, it is easy to get non-computer people to create CRC cards. Getting the advice of domain experts (automobile designers for automotive electronics or human factors experts for PDA design, for example) is very important in system design. The CRC card methodology is informal enough that it will not intimidate non-computer specialists and will allow you to capture their input. Second, it aids even computer specialists by encouraging them to work in a group and analyze scenarios. The walkthrough process used with CRC cards is very useful in scoping out a design and determining what parts of a system are poorly understood. This informal technique is valuable to tool-based design and coding. If you still feel a need to use tools to help you practice the CRC methodology, software engineering tools are available that automate the creation of CRC cards.

Before going through the methodology, let’s review the CRC concepts in a little more detail. We are familiar with classes—they encapsulate functionality. A class may represent a real-world object or it may describe an object that has been created solely to help architect the system. A class has both an internal state and a functional interface; the functional interface describes the class’s capabilities. The responsibility set is an informal way of describing that functional interface. The responsibilities provide the class’s interface, not its internal implementation. Unlike describing a class in a programming language, however, the responsibilities may be described informally in English (or your favorite language). The collaborators of a class are simply the classes that it talks to, that is, classes that use its capabilities or that it calls upon to help it do its work.

The class terminology is a little misleading when an object-oriented programmer looks at CRC cards. In the methodology, a class is actually used more like an object in an OO programming language—the CRC card class is used to represent a real actor in the system. However, the CRC card class is easily transformable into a class definition in an object-oriented design.

CRC card analysis is performed by a team of people. It is possible to use it by yourself, but a lot of the benefit of the method comes from talking about the developing classes with others. Before beginning the process, you should create a large number of CRC cards using the basic format shown in Figure 7.10. As you are working in your group, you will be writing on these cards; you will probably discard many of them and rewrite them as the system evolves. The CRC card methodology is informal, but you should go through the following steps when using it to analyze a system:

1. Develop an initial list of classes. Write down the class name and perhaps a few words on what it does. A class may represent a real-world object or an architectural object. Identifying which category the class falls into (perhaps by putting a star next to the name of a real-world object) is helpful. Each person can be responsible for handling a part of the system, but team members should talk during this process to be sure that no classes are missed and that duplicate classes are not created.

2. Write an initial list of responsibilities and collaborators. The responsibilities list helps describe in a little more detail what the class does. The collaborators list should be built from obvious relationships between classes. Both the responsibilities and collaborators will be refined in the later stages.

3. Create some usage scenarios. These scenarios describe what the system does. Scenarios probably begin with some type of outside stimulus, which is one important reason for identifying the relevant real-world objects.

4. Walk through the scenarios. This is the heart of the methodology. During the walkthrough, each person on the team represents one or more classes. The scenario should be simulated by acting: people can call out what their class is doing, ask other classes to perform operations, and so on. Moving around, for example, to show the transfer of data, may help you visualize the system’s operation. During the walkthrough, all of the information created so far is targeted for updating and refinement, including the classes, their responsibilities and collaborators, and the usage scenarios. Classes may be created, destroyed, or modified during this process. You will also probably find many holes in the scenario itself.

5. Refine the classes, responsibilities, and collaborators. Some of this will be done during the course of the walkthrough, but making a second pass after the scenarios is a good idea. The longer perspective will help you make more global changes to the CRC cards.

6. Add class relationships. Once the CRC cards have been refined, subclass and superclass relationships should become clearer and can be added to the cards.

Once you have the CRC cards, you need to somehow use them to help drive the implementation. In some cases, it may work best to use the CRC cards as direct source material for the implementors; this is particularly true if you can get the designers involved in the CRC card process. In other cases, you may want to write a more formal description, in UML or another language, of the information that was captured during the CRC card analysis, and then use that formal description as the design document for the system implementors. Example 7.4 illustrates the use of the CRC card methodology.

Example 7.4 CRC Card Analysis

Let’s perform a CRC card analysis of the elevator system of Section 8.8. First, we need the following basic set of classes:

Real-world classes: elevator car, passenger, floor control, car control, and car sensor.

Architectural classes: car state, floor control reader, car control reader, car control sender, and scheduler.

For each class, we need the following initial set of responsibilities and collaborators. (An asterisk is used to remind ourselves which classes represent real-world objects.)

Class Responsibilities Collaborators
Elevator car* Moves up and down Car control, car sensor, car control sender
Passenger* Pushes floor control and car control buttons Floor control, car control
Floor control* Transmits floor requests Passenger, floor control reader
Car control* Transmits car requests Passenger, car control reader
Car sensor* Senses car position Scheduler
Car state Records current position of car Scheduler, car sensor
Floor control reader Interface between floor control and rest of system Floor control, scheduler
Car control reader Interface between car control and rest of system Car control, scheduler
Car control sender Interface between scheduler and car Scheduler, elevator car
Scheduler Sends commands to cars based upon requests Floor control reader, car control reader, car control sender, car state

Several usage scenarios define the basic operation of the elevator system as well as some unusual scenarios:

1. One passenger requests a car on a floor, gets in the car when it arrives, requests another floor, and gets out when the car reaches that floor.

2. One passenger requests a car on a floor, gets in the car when it arrives, and requests the floor that the car is currently on.

3. A second passenger requests a car while another passenger is riding in the elevator.

4. Two people push floor buttons on different floors at the same time.

5. Two people push car control buttons in different cars at the same time.

At this point, we need to walk through the scenarios and make sure they are reasonable. Find a set of people and walk through these scenarios. Do the classes, responsibilities, collaborators, and scenarios make sense? How would you modify them to improve the system specification?

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