Preface to the Third Edition

This third edition reflects the continued evolution of my thoughts on embedded computing and the suggestions of the users of this book. One important goal was expanding the coverage of embedded computing applications. Learning about topics like digital still cameras and cars can take a lot of effort. Hopefully this material will provide some useful insight into the parts of these systems that most directly affect the design decision faced by embedded computing designers. I also expanded the range of processors used as examples. I included sophisticated processors including the TI C64x and advanced ARM extensions. I also included the PIC16F to illustrate the properties of small RISC embedded processors. Finally, I reorganized the coverage of networks and multiprocessors to provide a more unified view of these closely related topics. You can find additional material on the course Web site at The site includes a complete set of overheads, sample labs, and pointers to additional information.

I’d like to thank Nate McFadden, Todd Green, and Andre Cuello for their editorial patience and care during this revision. I’d also like to thank the anonymous reviewers and Prof. Andrew Pleszkun of the University of Colorado for their insightful comments on drafts. And I have a special thanks for David Anderson, Phil Koopman, and Bruce Jacob who helped me figure out some things. I’d also like to thank the Atlanta Snowpocalypse of 2011 for giving me a large block of uninterrupted writing time.

Most important of all, this is the right time to acknowledge the profound debt of gratitude I owe to my father. He taught me how to work: not just how to do certain things, but how to approach problems, develop ideas, and bring them to fruition. Along the way, he taught me how to be a considerate, caring human being. Thanks, Dad.

Marilyn Wolf

Atlanta, GA

December 2011

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