3.7 CPU Power Consumption

Power consumption is, in some situations, as important as execution time. In this section we study the characteristics of CPUs that influence power consumption and mechanisms provided by CPUs to control how much power they consume.

Energy vs. power

First, we need to distinguish between energy and power. Power is, of course, energy consumption per unit time. Heat generation depends on power consumption. Battery life, on the other hand, most directly depends on energy consumption. Generally, we will use the term power as shorthand for energy and power consumption, distinguishing between them only when necessary.

CMOS power characteristics

The high-level power consumption characteristics of CPUs and other system components are derived from the circuits used to build those components. Today, virtually all digital systems are built with CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) circuitry. The detailed circuit characteristics are best left to a study of VLSI design [Wol08], but the basic sources of CMOS power consumption are easily identified:

Power supply voltage: The power consumption of a CMOS circuit is proportional to the square of the power supply voltage (V2). Therefore, by reducing the power supply voltage to the lowest level that provides the required performance, we can significantly reduce power consumption. We also may be able to add parallel hardware and even further reduce the power supply voltage while maintaining required performance [Cha92].

Capacitive toggling: A CMOS circuit uses most of its power when it is changing its output value. This provides two ways to reduce power consumption. By reducing the speed at which the circuit operates, we can reduce its power consumption (although not the total energy required for the operation, because the result is available later). We can actually reduce energy consumption by eliminating unnecessary changes to the inputs of a CMOS circuit—eliminating unnecessary glitches at the circuit outputs eliminates unnecessary power consumption.

Leakage: Even when a CMOS circuit is not active, some charge leaks out of the circuit’s nodes through the substrate. The only way to eliminate leakage current is to remove the power supply. Completely disconnecting the power supply eliminates power consumption, but it usually takes a significant amount of time to reconnect the system to the power supply and reinitialize its internal state so that it once again performs properly.

As a result, several power-saving strategies are used in CMOS CPUs:

CPUs can be used at reduced voltage levels. For example, reducing the power supply from 1 V to 0.9 V causes the power consumption to drop by 12/0.92 = 1.2.

The CPU can be operated at a lower clock frequency to reduce power (but not energy) consumption.

The CPU may internally disable certain function units that are not required for the currently executing function. This reduces energy consumption.

Some CPUs allow parts of the CPU to be totally disconnected from the power supply to eliminate leakage currents.

Static vs. dynamic power management

There are two types of power management features provided by CPUs. A static power management mechanism is invoked by the user but does not otherwise depend on CPU activities. An example of a static mechanism is a power-down mode intended to save energy. This mode provides a high-level way to reduce unnecessary power consumption. The mode is typically entered with an instruction. If the mode stops the interpretation of instructions, then it clearly cannot be exited by execution of another instruction. Power-down modes typically end upon receipt of an interrupt or other event. A dynamic power management mechanism takes actions to control power based upon the dynamic activity in the CPU. For example, the CPU may turn off certain sections of the CPU when the instructions being executed do not need them. Application Example 3.2 describes the static and dynamic energy efficiency features of a PowerPC chip.

Application Example 3.2 Energy Efficiency Features in the PowerPC 603

The PowerPC 603 [Gar94] was designed specifically for low-power operation while retaining high performance. It typically dissipates 2.2 W running at 80 MHz. The architecture provides three low-power modes—doze, nap, and sleep—that provide static power management capabilities for use by the programs and operating system.

The 603 also uses a variety of dynamic power management techniques for power minimization that are performed automatically, without program intervention. The CPU is a two-issue, out-of-order superscalar processor. It uses the dynamic techniques summarized below to reduce power consumption.

An execution unit that is not being used can be shut down.

The cache, an 8-KB, two-way set-associative cache, was organized into subarrays so that at most two out of eight subarrays will be accessed on any given clock cycle. A variety of circuit techniques were also used in the cache to reduce power consumption.

Not all units in the CPU are active all the time; idling them when they are not being used can save power. The table below shows the percentage of time various units in the 603 were idle for the SPEC integer and floating-point benchmarks [Gar94].

Unit Specint92 (% idle) Specfp92 (% idle)
Data cache 29 28
Instruction cache 29 17
Load-store 35 17
Fixed-point 38 76
Floating-point 99 30
System register 89 97

Idle units are turned off automatically by switching off their clocks. Various stages of the pipeline are turned on and off, depending on which stages are necessary at the current time. Measurements comparing the chip’s power consumption with and without dynamic power management show that dynamic techniques provide significant power savings.


A power-down mode provides the opportunity to greatly reduce power consumption because it will typically be entered for a substantial period of time. However, going into and especially out of a power-down mode is not free—it costs both time and energy. The power-down or power-up transition consumes time and energy in order to properly control the CPU’s internal logic. Modern pipelined processors require complex control that must be properly initialized to avoid corrupting data in the pipeline. Starting up the processor must also be done carefully to avoid power surges that could cause the chip to malfunction or even damage it.

The modes of a CPU can be modeled by a power state machine[Ben00]. An example is shown in Figure 3.19. Each state in the machine represents a different mode of the machine, and every state is labeled with its average power consumption. The example machine has two states: run mode with power consumption Prun and sleep mode with power consumption Psleep. Transitions show how the machine can go from state to state; each transition is labeled with the time required to go from the source to the destination state. In a more complex example, it may not be possible to go from a particular state to another particular state—traversing a sequence of states may be necessary. Application Example 3.3 describes the power-down modes of the StrongARM SA-1100.


Figure 3.19 A power state machine for a processor.

Application Example 3.3 Power-Saving Modes of the StrongARM SA-1100

The StrongARM SA-1100 [Int99] is designed to provide sophisticated power management capabilities that are controlled by the on-chip power manager. The processor takes two power supplies:


VDD is the main power supply for the core CPU and is nominally 3.3 V. The VDDX supply is used for the pins and other logic such as the power manager; it is normally at 1.5 V. (The two supplies share a common ground.) The system can supply two inputs about the status of the power supply. VDD_FAULT tells the CPU that the main power supply is not being properly regulated, while BATT_FAULT indicates that the battery has been removed or is low. Either of these events can cause the CPU to go into a low-power mode. In low-power operation, the VDD supply can be turned off (the VDDX supply always remains on). When resuming operation, the PWR_EN signal is used by the CPU to tell the external power supply to ramp up the VDD power supply.

A system power manager can both monitor the CPU and other devices and control their operation to gracefully transition between power modes. It provides several registers that allow programs to control power modes, determine why power modes were entered, determine the current state of power management modes, and so on.

The SA-1100 provides the three power modes:

Run mode is normal operation and has the highest power consumption.

Idle mode saves power by stopping the CPU clock. The system unit modules—real-time clock, operating system timer, interrupt control, general-purpose I/O, and power manager—all remain operational. Idle mode is entered by executing a three-instruction sequence. The CPU returns to run mode upon receiving an interrupt from one of the internal system units or from a peripheral or by resetting the CPU. This causes the machine to restart the CPU clock and to resume execution where it left off.

Sleep mode shuts off most of the chip’s activity. Entering sleep mode causes the system to shut down on-chip activity, reset the CPU, and negate the PWR_EN pin to tell the external electronics that the chip’s power supply should be driven to 0 volts. A separate I/O power supply remains on and supplies power to the power manager so that the CPU can be awakened from sleep mode; the low-speed clock keeps the power manager running at low speeds sufficient to manage sleep mode. The CPU software should set several registers to prepare for sleep mode. Sleep mode is entered by forcing the sleep bit in the power manager control register; it can also be entered by a power supply fault. The sleep shutdown sequence happens in three steps, each of which requires about 30 μs. The machine wakes up from sleep state on a preprogrammed wake-up event. The wake-up sequence has three steps: the PWR_EN pin is asserted to turn on the external power supply and waits for about 10 µs; the 3.686-MHz oscillator is ramped up to speed; and the internal reset is negated and the CPU boot sequence begins.


The power state machine of the SA-1100 [Ben00] has three states:

The sleep mode saves over three orders of magnitude of power consumption. However, the time required to reenter run mode from sleep is over a tenth of a second.

The SA-1100 has a companion chip, the SA-1111, that provides an integrated set of peripherals. That chip has its own power management modes that complement the SA-1100.

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