Finding Photos Using the Date View

Okay, I have to admit, this particular feature is probably going to be your least-used Organizer feature because it seems so...I dunno...cheesy (for lack of a better word). When you use it, you see a huge calendar, and if photos were created on a particular day in the currently visible month, you’ll see a small thumbnail of one of those images on that date. Personally, when I see this view, I feel like I’ve just left a professional-looking application and entered a “consumer” application, so I avoid it like the plague, but just in case you dig it (hey, it’s possible), here’s how it works:

Step One:

To enter the Date View in the Organizer, click the Display button on the right side of the Organizer’s menu bar. Then choose Date View from the pop-up menu.


Step Two:

This brings up the Date View calendar with the Month view showing by default (if you’re not in Month view, click the Month button along the bottom center of the window). If you see a photo on a date, it means there are photos that were taken (or you scanned or imported) on that day. To see a photo, click on it within the calendar and a larger version will appear at the top right of the window. To see the rest of the photos on this day, click the Next Item on Selected Day button found directly under this preview window. Each time you click this button, the window displays a preview of the next photo taken on that day.



Tip: Returning to Media Browser

You can always get back to the Media Browser by clicking the Media Browser button at the bottom center of the window.

Step Three:

If you find the photo you’re looking for (I’m assuming that if you’re searching around in the Date View, you’re looking for a particular photo) and you want to edit that photo, Right-click on the photo’s preview and choose Edit with Photoshop Elements Editor from the pop-up menu (or just press Ctrl-I [Mac: Command-I]). The Elements Editor will launch with your photo open and ready to edit.


Step Four:

Return to the Organizer in Date View. While we’re here, I want to show you a couple of the other features. Although the Month view is shown by default, there are buttons at the bottom center of the window for viewing the entire year (where days that have photos appear as solid-color blocks) or an individual day (where all the photos from that day appear in a slide-show-like view, as shown here).



Step Five:

While in the Date View, you can add a Daily Note, which is a note that doesn’t apply to only the current photo—it applies to every photo taken on that calendar day. In all three views (Year, Month, and Day), a field for adding a Daily Note to the currently displayed photo will appear along the right side of the window. Now, when you’re in Day view, you can not only see your Daily Note for your photo, but you can also see the caption for your photo below the Daily Note.

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