Now that we know both the projection and scheduling functions, we are able to study how the input and output variables map to the projected domain c11ue028.

11.10.1 Output Data M1

The pipeline direction for the output data is mapped to the vector c11ue029 given by

(11.108) c11e108

Therefore, the output data will map to pipelining arrows along the k-axis (vertical lines) in the resulting multiprocessor architecture shown in Fig. 11.6.

The initialization and extraction points for the output data are found in Eq. 11.51. The initialization point for input M1(c1, c2) map in c11ue030 to the point c11ue031.

(11.109) c11e109

Similarly, the extraction point for input M1(c1, c2) map in c11ue032 to the point c11ue033.

(11.110) c11e110

11.10.2 Input Data M2

The broadcast direction for input data is mapped to the vector c11ue034 given by

(11.111) c11e111

Figure 11.6 The projected or reduced computation domain c11ue044 for the matrix multiplication algorithm when the dimensions of the matrices are I = 3, J = 4, and K = 5.


Therefore, the input data for M2 will map to lines along the j-axis (horizontal lines) in the resulting multiprocessor architecture shown in Fig. 11.6.

The input sample M2(c1, c2) is fed to our multiprocessor using its intersection point from Eq. 11.43.

(11.112) c11e112

11.10.3 Input Data M3

The broadcast direction for the input data is mapped to the vector c11ue035 given by

(11.113) c11e113

This means that the input M3 is localized and is neither pipelined nor broadcast.

The input sample M3(c1, c2) is fed to our multiprocessor using its intersection point from Eq. 11.47.

(11.114) c11e114

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