BOPM: Extensions


  • To show how the BOPM is used to price American options – these are path-dependent options and subject to early exercise.
  • To adapt the BOPM to price options on stocks that pay a continuous dividend, options on foreign exchange, and options on futures contracts.
  • To use the BOPM to price options on stocks that pay dividends at discrete intervals.
  • To demonstrate how the binomial approach can be speeded up using control variate techniques and trinomial trees.
  • To show how stock price movements in the binomial tree are determined by the ‘real world’ volatility of stock returns.


So far we have used the BOPM to price European options (which can only be exercised at maturity). American options can be exercised at any time, over the life of the option. The question arises as to when it is optimal to exercise an American option and how this affects the price of American options. The following results hold for American options:

  • For a call option on a non-dividend paying stock, early exercise is never optimal.
  • For a call option on a dividend paying stock, early exercise is sometimes optimal.
  • For a put option on a stock (with or without dividends), early exercise is sometimes optimal.

As we shall see American options on stock indices, commodities, currencies and futures contracts can be priced using results for options on stocks that pay continuous dividends.

23.1.1 European Put

We price a two-period European put with images using RNV. The tree for the stock price has images, images, images, images and the risk-neutral probability images. First we calculate the payoffs at maturity (Figure 23.1) images, images and images. We then move backwards through the tree:

Illustration depicting the binomial tree models for the European and American put stock prices.

FIGURE 23.1 European and American put

The (European) put premium is:


23.1.2 American Put

For an American put option the payoffs at maturity are the same as for the European put. But early exercise may be profitable at nodes images and at images. To price the American put we see if the intrinsic value images (which is the cash received for early exercise) at any of the nodes is greater than the ‘recursive values’1 for the put, images or images (that is, the value of the put if you do not exercise it at that node). If images > ‘recursive value’ then early exercise is profitable and we replace the recursive value, ‘images or images’ with the images at that node. Expressed mathematically the payoff to an American put at node-U is:


At node-U, images and images so early exercise is not profitable and we retain images in the tree. At node-D, images and images so early exercise is profitable and we replace images in the tree with images. The ‘recursive value’ at images now becomes:


Finally, we compare images and images, which indicates that early exercise is not profitable at images and hence the American put premium is images. Notice that the American put is worth more than the equivalent European put (which has images) – the American put has extra ‘optionality’ as it allows for the possibility that early exercise may be profitable.

This general principle of working backwards through the tree and seeing if early exercise is worthwhile applies when pricing all types of American options: on stock indices, currencies, futures contracts and commodities (e.g. corn, oil, gas etc.).


It is convenient here to use the annual continuously compounded interest rate, denoted images (decimal). One dollar today is worth images after a small time interval imagesimages. The equation for the risk-neutral probability images when pricing an option on a stock which pays no dividends is:


23.2.1 Continuous Dividend Yield

If a stock has a continuous annual dividend yield images (decimal), then the (total) return on the stock consists of the capital gain plus the dividend yield images, where images is the growth (or proportionate change) in the stock price. In a risk-neutral world, the (total) return on a stock must equal the risk-free rate images and hence, the expected growth in the stock priceimages equals images and images. In a risk-neutral world, the expected stock price at time images is given by:



where images.

When using the binomial recursion formula to price an option on a stock which pays continuous dividends at a (constant) rate images, the only change required is that ‘images’ in the definition of images is replaced by images. The values images and images remain unchanged.

23.2.2 Options on Foreign Currency and Futures

To price options on a foreign currency, the equivalent to images is the foreign risk-free rate images. For options on a futures contract the underlying futures price grows at the rate images, hence the definitions for images become:

  • Option on foreign currency: images
  • Option on futures: images

When setting up the tree, images and images remain unchanged and images is the real world historical volatility of the underlying asset (i.e. volatility of the stock return, volatility of the return images on the exchange rate or the volatility of the return images of the futures price, depending on the types of option being considered). Hence, the binomial tree for the underlying asset is constructed in the usual way. Hence, the only difference in the BOPM is the definition of ‘images’ (and hence images in Equation (23.4)).

The maturity of the option images is divided into images or more time steps, with each step images – this gives a reasonably accurate value for the option's price. For a European option on a stock we only require the payoffs at maturity images to price the option. For images time steps there are imagesterminal stock prices – which is manageable. But for images there are images or about a billion alternative stock price paths (e.g. even for images there are 8 possible paths). Since many exotic options are path dependent, the BOPM with images takes considerable computing power and it may take quite a while for the computer to ‘grind out’ a value for the option price. Hence various methods to speed up the calculations are used, such as trinomial trees and control variate techniques.

23.2.3 Control Variate Techniques

Control variate techniques can be used in the BOPM framework to obtain more accurate values for option premia (for any fixed number of nodes, in the tree). To illustrate this approach suppose we wish to price an American option – which is path dependent. If we value the American option using the standard BOPM with images, this should give a good estimate of its true price. Assume this ‘true BOPM price’ is images – but computational time will be considerable.

To save on computational time, suppose we decide to price an American option using only images steps in the BOPM and this gives images. In order to get closer to the true price images, the control variate technique adjusts images in the following way. First, we use the standard BOPM with images to calculate the price of a European option images (on the same underlying, with the same strike and time to maturity). Both the American and European binomial prices with n = 5 are subject to error. However, we know the ‘exact’ Black–Scholes price for a European optionimages (say). Using the control variate technique, the price of the American option images is:


The control variate technique adjusts the American binomial price images (obtained using images), by the error in the BOPM estimate when pricing the (equivalent) European option, images. If the BOPM overpriced the European option by 0.2 (with images) we assume it will overprice the American option by the same amount. The control variate price images is much closer to the ‘true’ price of the American option (using n = 100), images than the ‘unadjusted’ binomial estimate images with images, and the control variate approach takes much less computing time.


Below, we show that RNV and backward recursion using the BOPM equation produces the same price for an option on a futures contract, as the ‘full no-arbitrage’ approach. A one-period call option on a futures contract delivers a long position in a futures contract. If the futures price at expiry of the option contract is images and the strike is images then a long call option at maturity can be cash settled for:


Suppose the risk-free rate images (per period, continuously compounded), images, images and images, so images and images. The payoffs for a one-period (images) call option on a futures contract with strike price images are:


We noted above that an option on a futures contract can be priced under RNV using:


which gives:

We now show that we obtain the same call premium using no-arbitrage and delta hedging. Suppose you are long one call at images with (an unknown) call premium images. To create a risk-free portfolio you would short futures contracts, since if images increases you would lose on the short futures but gain on the long call. If you shortimages-futures for each long call then the payoffs at images are:


To delta hedge we choose images so these payoffs are equal, which implies:

The cost of setting up the hedge portfolio at images is simply the cost of the long call images, since it cost nothing to enter the futures contact. (We ignore margin payments.) Our portfolio of one long call and images short futures is risk-free and must therefore earn the risk-free rate images (continuously compounded), otherwise arbitrage profits can be made. The cost of setting up the hedge portfolio at t = 0 is simply the cost of the call images, financed using borrowed funds. At images the bank loan outstanding is images and for no arbitrage profits this must equal the known payoff on the hedge position images (or images):


We can obtain the solution for images algebraically by substituting for images from Equation (23.8) in (23.9), using images and images and rearranging to give:


Hence the ‘full no-arbitrage’ approach produces the same equation for the call premium as directly invoking RNV via (23.6b). Extending the above approach to the images-period case, for European call or put futures options, is straightforward. We simply work backwards through the tree from images to images using images.

23.3.1 American Futures Option

What about pricing an American futures option where we have the possibility of early exercise? To keep things simple, suppose we hold a two-period American call option on a futures contract. Early exercise at node-U is worthwhile if the intrinsic value images, where the recursive formula gives images. If this is the case, we replace images in the tree by images. This calculation is repeated for node-D (and at images) – that is comparing images, and images and then images and images – and taking the maximum value in each case.

23.3.2 Numerical Example

Suppose an American call futures option has a time to maturity images year, strike price images and the current futures price is images, with the volatility of the futures (return) images p.a. We divide the time period images into images periods so each step in the tree is images (which represents 1 month). We set images and images.

For a futures option images so images (and hence the option price is independent of the risk-free rate). The intrinsic value of the option at each node is images. Let each node be denoted images where images and images.

In Figure 23.2 the upper cells show the stock price and the lower cells the option value (price). At images, the option is exercised at the two upper nodes, only. For images and (2,2), the intrinsic value of the option exceeds its binomial recursive value – hence here the option is assumed to be exercised and the lower cells at these nodes show the option's intrinsic value images, rather than its binomial recursive value. The imagess at these nodes are then used in calculating the next recursive values as we move backwards through the tree and the American call premium is 6.387. (As we increase the number of nodes in the tree, so that images, we obtain a more accurate estimate of the call premium.)

Illustration depicting a binomial tree for American call on index futures, where the shaded areas indicate intrinsic value, used in the calculations.

FIGURE 23.2 Binomial tree for American call on index futures

Note: Shaded areas indicate intrinsic value, used in the calculations.

For American options on stocks paying continuous dividends at a rate images and options on FX, the procedure is the same as above. The tree is constructed using images and images where images is the real world (estimated annual) standard deviation of the stock return or FX return. Also images for the option on the stock and images for the FX-option (where images and images).

The BOPM can also be used to price options where the underlying asset is a stochastic interest rate (e.g. options on T-bonds, on T-bond futures or options on interest rates, known as caps and floors) but this requires a tree where interest rates are allowed to vary at each node. This is dealt with in Chapter 41.


23.4.1 Dividends and the BOPM

We have already seen that for a stock (or stock index) that pays a constant continuous dividend yield images, we simply use images as the risk-neutral probability and proceed in the usual fashion to price European or American options on the dividend paying stock (index). In practice, the continuously compounded dividend rate images has to be estimated and clearly while the assumption of a constant dividend rate is not unreasonable for a stock index (which contains many stocks), it is not plausible for individual stocks, where dividend payments tend to be bunched in certain months of the year. The BOPM gets a little tricky when dividends are discrete.

23.4.2 Single Known Dividend Yield

Assume the option matures in 30 days, images, images so that images. We now apply the BOPM to a European call option where the underlying stock (index) pays a single dividend at time images. If the time images is prior to the stock going ex-dividend, the nodes on the tree correspond to stock prices:


If time images is after the stock goes ex-dividend the nodes would have values


where images is the known single dividend yield. For example, given a single dividend payment prior to the 2nd node, the binomial tree is shown in Figure 23.3. If there are several known dividend yields images over the life of the option, then the nodes after the ex-dividend dates would be images.

Illustration depicting the binomial tree for a single dividend, known dividend yield prior to the second node.

FIGURE 23.3 Single dividend, known dividend yield

23.4.3 Known Dollar Dividend

First note that when a dividend is paid, the stock price falls by the amount of the dividend payment D. (We ignore any tax issues here.)2 If we let images then unfortunately with discrete dividends, the binomial tree for images does not recombine and there are a very large number of nodes to evaluate. To avoid this problem and obtain a recombining tree we proceed as follows. We let images and images apply to the stock price minus the present value of all known future dividends (over the life of the option), which we denote images. Suppose a single ex-dividend date is at τ and the dividend paid is images. Then the values for images at times images are:


The tree for images is constructed using images, images where images.3 This gives us a recombining tree for images. To obtain a ‘new’ tree, we now add back the PV of future dividends, at each node. Suppose we have calculated images at images. Then a ‘new’ tree for images at times images is:


The option is then priced off this ‘new’ tree images using images as the risk-neutral probability.4

For example, suppose images, there is one dividend of $10 with an ex-dividend date at the end the second month (0.1667 years), then images. If images then images. We calculate the tree for images using the above equations and then work backwards through the tree (from the maturity date of the option) to give the European call (or put) premium.

To value an American call with strike images on a dividend paying stock we would calculate the intrinsic value at each node and the early exercise decision is based on images (not images). For example, if the stock has just gone ex-dividend and at the next ‘upper node’ images and the dividend at τ is images then images (since the present value of the dividend at τ is the dividend itself of $3). For an instant, images and then ‘immediately’ it falls to $110 as it goes ex-dividend. But just before the stock goes ex-dividend the call has an intrinsic value of images. If images at this node and this is greater than the recursive value images in the tree, then we replace images with images. We proceed in this way at each node, to see if the intrinsic value exceeds the recursive value. So, apart from the construction of the stock price tree, an American option on a stock which pays discrete dividends is priced in the usual way.


  • For options on a stock paying dividends at the continuous rateimages (decimal), the stock price tree is constructed using images and images but the risk-neutral probability is now images where images. The option is then priced in the usual way by backward recursion (under RNV).
  • For options on a foreign currency,images the foreign interest rate and hence images (where images), images and images (proportionate change) in the spot-FX rate.
  • For options on a futures contract,images hence images and images. In the tree images is replaced by images the forward rate, and images is the volatility of images.
  • American, European and many path-dependent ‘exotic options’ can be priced using the BOPM under RNV – so the method is very flexible.
  • American options are valued using backward recursion but at each node we test to see if early exercise is profitable by comparing the intrinsic value images (when exercised) with the binomial recursive value (no exercise), and we take the maximum of these two values. For example at node-U, the value of the put can be written images, where images is the BOPM recursive value.
  • To price an option on a stock that pays discrete dividends we construct a tree where we let images and images apply to images= ‘the stock price minus the present value of all known future dividends over the life of the option’. This allows the tree to recombine, which substantially improves computational efficiency. The option is then priced off a ‘new’ tree for images where we add back the PV of future dividends, at each node. Expected payoffs are calculated using the (usual) risk-neutral probability, images.
  • Computational time in the BOPM can be reduced by using control variate techniques or a trinomial tree (see Appendix 23).


As we see in Chapters 47 and 48, continuous time models of stock prices images can be represented in terms of continuously compounded (‘log’) returns images or proportionate changes images over a short period of time, images. The ‘up’ and ‘down’ movements in the binomial tree for stock prices are an approximation to these continuous time processes and are designed to produce an outcome for the stock price images at images, which is (approximately) lognormal. This requires movements of the stock price in the tree to replicate the ‘real world’ volatility of the stock price. In addition, when pricing options (on a non-dividend paying stock) using the BOPM under risk-neutral valuation (RNV), we must set the growth rate of the stock price equal to the risk-free rate.

In the BOPM we divide the time to maturity of the option images(years) into images-periods of equal length, images. Over a small interval of time images, the expected return of the stock is measured as images (where images = continuously compounded annual growth rate, decimal). Over a small time interval, the variance of the stock return is images (where images = annual standard deviation (decimal) of the continuously compounded stock return and is calculated from historical data). Hence:


We price an option (on a non-dividend paying stock) using the BOPM under RNV. Therefore we calibrate images, images and images, so the stock price in the tree satisfies two conditions (over the time period images):

  1. Expected return equals the risk-free rateimages (RNV)
  2. Variance of the stock price, images (‘real world’ volatility)

Hence, RNV and replicating the ‘real world’ volatility gives two equations and three unknowns (U, D, q):

From (23.A.1):

Multiplying (23.A.3) by images and simplifying:


Simplifying (23.A.2):

Substituting in (23.A.6) from (23.A.5) and (23.A.3):

We have three unknowns images, images and images and only two equations – the RNV equation (23.A.1) and the (simplified) volatility equation (23.A.7). We arbitrarily use our one ‘degree of freedom’ by setting images. Equation (23.A.1) or equivalently (23.A.3) gives directly:

If higher order terms than images are ignored, a solution to the volatility equation (23.A.7) (with images) is:

In a risk-neutral world images and images are independent of the expected growth rate of the stock (i.e. the expected ‘real world’ stock return images), and therefore so is the option price. From (23.A.9) we have images so U/D is determined by the ‘real world’ volatility of the stock return and hence so are the option premia.

As we move from the ‘real world’ to our equations in a ‘risk-neutral’ world, the expected return on the stock changes from images to images (see 23.A.1) but the volatility of the stock return is the same as in the real world – this is a manifestation of Girsanov's theorem. It is easy to see that (23.A.9) satisfies the volatility equation (23.A.7) by substituting (the Taylor series approximations up to order images):


in the left-hand side of (23.A.7) (and ignoring terms in images or higher).

The above analysis can be repeated for an option on an asset that pays a continuous yield (e.g. dividend yield) at a rate images. The return on a stock equals the capital gain images plus the (continuously compounded, dividend) yield images. In a risk-neutral world the asset (stock) return equals the risk-free rate images and hence the expected value of the asset price images. Therefore, to price an option on an asset that pays a continuous yield, the only change in the above analysis is in (23.A.1) where we replace images with images which results in images in (23.A.8).

Negative Risk-neutral Probabilities

Sometimes when images is very small, the above formulas can give negative probabilities for images – which are meaningless. One ‘trick’ to avoid this problem is to assume the option is written on a futures contract with futures price images (even though in reality it is not!), then images and we never get negative risk-neutral probabilities. The tree for images is constructed at each node and the underlying cash market price at each node is obtained using images, where images = constant dividend yield (or the foreign interest rate for a foreign currency option).

Other Risk-neutral Probabilities

In the above derivation we found we had ‘one degree of freedom’ and imposed images (Cox, Ross and Rubinstein 1979). This gives unique values for images, images and images with which to construct the binomial tree, which is then used to price the option. But we could have used another ‘trick’ in the derivation of images, images and images, which results in images being the same for options with different underlying assets, S (e.g. options on stocks that pay no dividends, on stocks that pay continuous dividends, options on FX-spot rates or commodities or futures contracts).

This seems a little counter-intuitive but it is to do with how we ‘allocate’ our one degree of freedom. Given our two equations to determine the three ‘unknowns’ images, images and images we can arbitrarily setimages. Then solving our two equations (23.A.3) and (23.A.7) for images and images we obtain (when terms of higher order than images are ignored):

Clearly, using these values of images and images would give a different tree for the stock price than if we use the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein formulas but the value of the option premium from backward recursion using the BOPM under RNV is the same using either approach. The different values for images in the two trees would exactly offset the different values for images, and the price of the option using backward recursion turns out to be the same. (After all we can only have one ‘correct’ or ‘no-arbitrage’ price for the option.)

For a stock (index) paying a continuous dividend at a rate images, we replace images by images in Equations (23.A.10a) and (23.A.10b):

In addition, for currency options images the foreign interest rate and for options on futures contracts images, so images is omitted from the above equations. Hence, Equations (23.A.11a) and (23.A.11b) enable construction of a tree for the underlying asset and hence price options on dividend paying stocks, currencies and futures contracts when using images.

Note that the size of images and D (and the value of images) have all been derived assuming a risk-neutral world. So, when pricing options, the tree for the stock price does not represent actual movements in the stock price but it still correctly prices the option because of the equivalence of backward recursion using RNV and the ‘no-arbitrage’ approach.

Trinomial Tree

When pricing an option, the use of a trinomial tree rather than a binomial tree can reduce computational time. The tree is set up so that at each node there is an up, middle, and down step. For example, for a non-dividend paying stock, the tree mimics the ‘real world’ volatility and has the stock price growing at the risk-free rate if:


where images, images, images are the risk-neutral probabilities for the down move, up move and for the ‘middle’ path. We then use backward recursion on the trinomial tree to calculate the option premium. For assets paying a continuous dividend yield at a rate images, we replace images by images in the above equations. Also, for currency options images the foreign interest rate and for options on futures images, so images is omitted from the above equations. The trinomial tree is equivalent to the explicit finite difference method, discussed in Chapter 48.


Question 1

Why is the BOPM (and other ‘tree methods’) often seen to be more flexible than closed-form solutions for the options price, such as the Black–Scholes formula for calls and puts?

Question 2

What are the drawbacks of using the BOPM to price options?

Question 3

You want to price an American put option (on a non-dividend paying stock) using the BOPM with images steps. How does the control variate technique improve the accuracy of the price of the American put? Explain.

Question 4

You hold a long (European) put option on a futures contract. The current futures price is images and the futures price can move to either images or images. The futures option has a strike price images, images period to maturity and the risk-free rate images p.a. (continuously compounded).

  1. Create a risk-free portfolio consisting of one long put and futures contracts.
  2. Using the no-arbitrage condition, calculate the European put premium.
  3. Check that the value of your hedge portfolio is the same at the up and the down nodes.
  4. Check your answer in (b) by using the BOPM formula for the price of the put option.

Question 5

The index futures price is images. An American put option on the futures index has images, images p.a. (continuously compounded), images p.a., images year (4 months).

Use a tree with images steps to calculate the ‘up’ and ‘down’ moves for the futures price and show that the price of the American put is images.

Question 6

The spot FX-rate is images ($/£, USD per GBP). An American put option on the USD has images (USD/GBP), the interest rate in the US is images p.a. (continuously compounded), the volatility of the USD-GBP spot exchange rate images p.a., the option has images year to maturity and the interest rate in the UK is images p.a. (continuously compounded).

Use a tree with images steps to calculate the ‘up’ and ‘down’ moves for the spot FX-rate and show that the price of the American put is images (USD/GBP).


  1.   1 The ‘recursive value’ is also referred to as the ‘continuation value’, since option values at each node of the lattice/tree depend on option values in future time periods.
  2.   2 This occurs because if the stock price were to fall by less than D (e.g. images) then you could buy the stock for S immediately prior to the ex-dividend date, capture the dividend D and immediately sell the stock for S – Z. Your images (ignoring any problems due to discounting, when dividends are paid with a lag).
  3.   3images is slightly larger than images, the volatility of images. In practice the input for images is usually an implied volatility.
  4.   4 Note that (perhaps surprisingly) the formula for images is for an option on a stock that does not pay dividends. This is because we have adjusted the values of images in the tree to reflect dividend payments, so to use images would be a form of ‘double counting’.
  5.   5 Here we use the standard result, images
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