13.20. Further Reading

A number of links and books to further explore MVC include the following:

  • Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Steven Sanderson (Apress). This is a great in-depth look at ASP.NET MVC utilizing the Castle suite and delves deep. Also take a look at the author's site at http://blog.codeville.net/.

  • Professional ASP.NET MVC by Scott Hanselman (Wrox). This is a very readable introduction to ASP.NET MVC that I very much enjoyed. Advanced users might find this book doesn't delve deep enough, however, and be better served by Steven Sanderson's book.

  • http://haacked.com/. Phil Haack is a program manager at Microsoft, currently working on ASP.NET MVC framework. He often posts ASP.NET MVC–related articles.

  • http://folk.uio.no/trygver/1979/mvc-1/1979-05-MVC.pdf. This is the original document that led to MVC.

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