About the Technical Reviewer

Stefan Turalski is a nice chap who is capable of performing both magic and trivial things, with a little help from code, libraries, tools, APIs, servers, and the like. Wearing many hats, he is experienced in most phases of the software life cycle. Stefan is especially skilled in business analysis, design, implementation, testing, QA, and small, agile teams management.

His area of interest is quite wide and could be summarized as emerging technologies, with a recent focus on RIA (Silverlight, AIR), cloud computing, functional programming, and software engineering principles. Before he realized that he enjoys criticizing other people's work more than his own, Stefan published several technical articles, mainly about .NET technology, SOA, software engineering, and mobile development.

For the last ten or more years, he has built solutions ranging from Perl scripts, through mid-size websites, to distributed C++ and highly scalable .NET and COM+ enterprise class systems. Developing software for embedded or mobile devices and playing with Python web frameworks, F#, Closures, and Azure (or EC2, depending on the weather) in his spare time, he earns a living optimizing Oracle and SQL Server–based systems, maintaining ancient code and recently building on top of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Dynamics CRM.

Feel free to contact him at [email protected], especially if you need an inquisitive technical reviewer.

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