6.3. What Is Windows Workflow Foundation?

WF is composed of three main components:

  • Workflow instance/runtime

  • Activities

  • Workflow designer

6.3.1. Workflow Instance/Runtime

The workflow runtime takes care of instantiating individual workflows and handles persistence and synchronization. The workflow runtime does not exist on its own. It is created inside a host application. The host application can be anything from an ASP.NET web site to a windows service, or even the new "Dublin" or Windows Azure platforms.

In previous versions of WF, the WorkflowRuntime class was restricted to one WorkflowRuntime per app domain, and WorkflowInstance instantiated individual workflows. WorkflowInstance has now been replaced with the class WorkflowInstance, which represents an individual workflow.

This change makes it much easier to attach event handlers and delegates to individual workflows, but also arguably complicates tasks such as recording errors, as they now have to be dealt with on an individual workflow basis.

6.3.2. Activities

Workflows are made up of activities. Microsoft provides a number of building block activities providing basic logic and flow statements for you to use, called the Base Activity Library (BAL). You can of course (and should) create your very own activities. Figure 6-3 shows the WF activity hierarchy.

Figure 6.3. WF activity class hierarchy

Activities can be created as composites of existing activities, entirely in code or even just using XAML. Activities inherit from the class Activity (unlike WF3 that used SequentialWorkflowActivity or StateMachineWorkflowActivity). We will look at creating customized activities shortly.

6.3.3. Workflow Designer

The designer (Figure 6-4) is used to piece together your workflow, and contains tools for debugging and monitoring it.

Figure 6.4. Workflow designer

It is even possible to host the workflow designer within your application. For more information on this, please refer to the following links:

The Trident project (a tool for customizing scientific workflows) used this facility extensively. Take a look at http://connect.microsoft.com/trident.

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