15.19. Silverlight 4.0

At the time of writing, the first beta of Silverlight 4.0 has just been released. (I don't envy Silverlight authors; their books must have the shortest life span in the world.)

I have summarized some of the important changes here:

  • Printing support (yay!)

  • MEF support

  • New controls: TextBox with hyperlink, masked TextBox, DataGrid with copy/paste functionality

  • Webcam and microphone support

  • Copy-and-paste functionality

  • Mouse wheel support

  • Google Chrome support

  • Performance optimizations

  • Multitouch support

  • For trusted applications, read/write to documents folders, run other desktop programs (e.g., Microsoft Office suite)

  • New interface for requesting more privileges for applications

  • Localization enhancements (right-to-left text and complex scripts)

For more information, please refer to http://silverlight.net/getstarted/silverlight-4-beta/.

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