4.13. Deprecated APIs

A number of existing important APIs are now marked as deprecated. A full list is available at the following:

It is also worth noting two commonly used APIs that are now deprecated, as discussed in the next two sections.

4.13.1. System.Data.OracleClient

System.Data.OracleClient is available in .NET 4.0, but is marked as deprecated. Microsoft says this is because most developers use partner company Oracle providers. Microsoft will continue to issue hotfixes for critical OracleClient issues. For more info, refer to http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2009/06/15/system-data-oracleclient-update.aspx.

4.13.2. Global Static Hosting Functions

Global static hosting functions have now been deprecated. For more info, please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa964945(VS.100).aspx.

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