11.7. Master-Detail Binding

A common scenario in line-of-business applications is the need to create master-detail forms. The DataView control makes this very easy; let's see how:

  1. Copy the existing dataviewProgrammatic.htm, and rename the new file to dataviewMasterDetail.htm.

  2. Replace the existing <script> block with the following:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    Sys.require([Sys.components.dataView], function() {
    var people = [
       { Name: "Alex Mackey", Age: "28", Address: "20 Tree road", Telephone: "888888" },
       { Name: "Sharyn Mackey", Age: "35", Address: "10 Oak ave", Telephone: "777777" },
       { Name: "Brett Chaney", Age: "33", Address: "50 Wayside Road",
         Telephone: "6666666" },
       { Name: "Jenny Chia", Age: "24", Address: "88 Burleigh Gardens",
         Telephone: "5555555" }
    var master = Sys.create.dataView('#peoplesNames',
        data: people
    var detail = Sys.create.dataView("#peopleDetail");
    Sys.bind(detail, "data", master, "selectedData");

  3. Now replace the <body> section with the following code:

    <div id="peoplesNames" class="sys-template">
    <div class="dataItem" sys:command="select">
       {{ Name }}
       <hr />
    <!--Detail View-->
    <div id="peopleDetail" class="sys-template">
    <span class="nameddetailitem">
        Age: {{ Age }}  <br />
        Address: {{ Address }}   <br />
        Telephone: {{ Telephone }}

  4. That's it. Run the code, click a name, and see that the individual's details are retrieved. Note the line Sys.bind(detail, "data", master, "selectedData") that links the master and detail DataViews together.

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