Chapter 2. Getting Started with R

In this chapter, we lay out the case for using R for social media mining. We then walk readers through the processes of installing, getting help for, and using R. By the end of this chapter, readers will have gained familiarity with data import/export, arithmetic, vectors, basic statistical modeling, and basic graphing using R.

Why R?

We strongly prefer using the R statistical computing environment for social data mining. This chapter highlights the benefits of using R, presents an introductory lesson on its use, and provides pointers towards further resources for learning the R language.

At its most basic, R is simply a calculator. You can ask it what 2 + 2 is, and it will provide you with 4 as the answer. However, R is more flexible than the calculator you used in high school. In fact, its flexibility leads it to be described as a statistical computing environment. As such, it comes with functions that assist us with data manipulation, statistics, and graphing. R can also store, handle, and perform complex mathematical operations on data as well as utilize a suite of statistics-specific functions, such as drawing samples from common probability distributions. Most simply, R is data analysis software adoringly promoted as being made by statisticians for statisticians. The R programming language is used by data scientists, statisticians, formal scientists, physical scientists, social scientists, and others who need to make sense of data for statistical analysis, data visualization, and predictive modeling. Fortunately, with the brief guidance provided by this chapter, you too will be using R for your own research. R is simple to learn, even for people with no programming or statistics experience.

R is a GNU (GNU's Not Unix) project, where GNU's Not Unix is a recursive acronym for GNU and is less commonly referred to as GNU S. R is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and precompiled binary versions are provided for most common operating systems. R uses a command-line interface; however, several integrated development environments are available for use with R, including our preferred one, RStudio.

The following nine important questions ought to drive whether to use R or some other statistical language:

  • Does the software run natively on your computer?
    • R compiles and runs on a variety of Unix platforms as well as on Windows and Mac OS.
  • Does the software provide the methods needed?
    • R comes with a moderate compliment of built-in functions and is wildly extensible through user-generated packages from a variety of disciplines.
  • If not, how extensible is the software, if at all?
    • R is extremely extensible and extending it is simple. Packages are provided by a robust academic and practitioner community and are available for inclusion through simple downloads.
  • Does the software fully support programming versus point-and-click?
    • Users can utilize R as an interactive programming language or a scripting language. There are also packages, such as Rcmdr, that allow limited point-and-click functionality.
  • Are the visualization options adequate for your needs?
    • R has a very powerful, simple-to-use suite of graphical capabilities. Additionally, these capabilities are extensible just like R's other capabilities.
  • Does the software provide output in the form you prefer?
    • R can output data files in many formats and can produce graphics in a wide range of formats as well.
  • Does the software handle large datasets?
    • R handles data in memory; thus, users are constrained by the memory of their local system. However, within that constraint, R can handle vectors of up to 2 gigabytes in length. Packages can extend R to work in cloud computing environments.
  • Can you afford the software?
    • R is free, as in free beer.

R is an open source software, which means that members of the public invented it and they now maintain and distribute it, as opposed to a corporation or other private entity. Mainstream reasons to use open source software have historically hinged on the free aspect, that is, free as in free beer. In the past, open source projects have often been plagued with serious drawbacks such as having limited functionality, being buggy, not staying up-to-date, and being difficult to get help with. However, open source projects such as R attract a large community of developers and users to overcome these issues. Furthermore, R has an expansive (and expanding) functionality and is constantly updated; thanks to the large number of people using and developing it, help is nearly always just a Google away. The open source nature of R makes it free, as in free beer, and also free, as in freedom from vendor lock-in, which is what Richard Stallman advocates as the best reason for moving to open source projects. As Mozilla's Firefox browser has commandingly demonstrated, open source software can be excellent and approachable as opposed to being aimed at niche users.

The excellence of R has several consequences, each of which in turn cause R to become better. First and foremost, R is extensible. Individuals can contribute add-on components called packages to R, which execute algorithms, create graphics, or perform other tasks. The number of these packages has grown exponentially over time; as of early 2014, there were over 5,000. Furthermore, many of these packages are multiplicatively useful when combined, making them more valuable as a whole than the sum of their individual utilities.

Secondly, R has a large and growing community of users and contributors, largely due to its excellence and broad utility. R has proven useful to so many that the traffic flow about it on e-mail discussion forums now outstrips the traffic on all of its main commercial contemporaries such as Stata, SAS, and SPSS. Similarly, the traffic related to R on Stack Overflow (, a software help forum, has outstripped SAS as well as some generic computing languages, such as PERL. Perhaps what's most telling is the fact that, at the time of writing this book (early 2014), more than half of the users on Kaggle (—a site that promotes high-end data analysis competitions—use R.

R's popularity is indicative of its quality and broad utility. Additionally, the large number of active users make it much easier to get help with R through forums such as Stack Overflow and others (if R's built-in help documentation doesn't already answer your questions). Additionally, there are many books currently available in print that walk users through how to perform intermediate and advanced general programming in R as well as demonstrate R's use for particular domains (such as this one).

The justification for using R is overwhelming. We find R to have an excellent combination of freedom (both kinds), flexibility, and power. In addition, R has growing capabilities in handling Big Data in distributed systems or in parallel; some examples include Distributed Storage and List (dsl), HadoopInteractiVE (hive), Text Mining Distributed Corpus Plug-In (tm.plug.dc), Hadoop Steaming (HadoopSteaming), and Amazon Web Services ( So, let's get started.

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