Chapter 4. Advanced Classification

In this chapter, you will learn about the top classification algorithms written in the R language. You will also learn the ways to improve the classifier.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Ensemble methods
  • Biological traits and Bayesian belief network
  • Protein classification and the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm
  • Document retrieval and Support Vector Machine
  • Text classification using sentential frequent itemsets and classification using frequent patterns
  • Classification using the backpropagation algorithm

Ensemble (EM) methods

To improve the accuracy of classification, EM methods are developed. The accuracy is dramatically improved by at least one grade compared to its base classifiers, because the EM methods make mistakes only when at least half of the result of the base classifiers are wrong.

The concept structure of EM methods is illustrated in the following diagram:

Ensemble (EM) methods

The label for the new data tuple is the result of the voting of a group of base classifiers. A combined classifier is created based on several base classifiers. Each classifier is trained with a different dataset or training set re-sampled with the replacement of the original training dataset.

Three popular EM methods are discussed in the successive sections:

  • Bagging
  • Boosting
  • Random forests

The bagging algorithm

Here is a concise description of the bagging algorithm (noted as the bootstrap aggregation), followed by the summarized pseudocode. For iteration i (The bagging algorithm), a training set, The bagging algorithm, of d tuples is sampled with replacement from the original set of tuples, D. Any training set is sampled by employing bootstrap sampling (with replacement) for it, which in turn is used to learn a classifier model, The bagging algorithm. To classify an unknown or test tuple, X, each classifier, The bagging algorithm, returns its class prediction, which counts as one vote. Assume the number of classifiers as follows, which predicts the same class, The bagging algorithm, given the test tuple X:

The bagging algorithm

The bagged classifier, The bagging algorithm, counts the votes and assigns the class with the most votes to X. Each vote has the same weight in the equation;

The bagging algorithm

About the prediction of continuous values, the average value of each prediction for a given test tuple is used as the result. The algorithm reduces the variance, given a more correct result than the base classifiers.

The input parameters for bagging algorithm are as follows:

  • D: This is the training tuples dataset
  • K: This is the number of classifiers combined
  • S: This is a classification learning algorithm or scheme to learning base classifier
  • The bagging algorithm: This is the ensemble classifier, which is the output of the algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the bagging algorithm is as follows:

The bagging algorithm

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

As opposed to an ensemble algorithm, the bagging algorithm is the weighted voting and weighted sample training tuple dataset for each base classifier. The base classifiers are learned iteratively. Once a classifier is learned, the relative weights are updated with a certain algorithm for the next learning of the base classifiers. The successive model learning will emphasize the tuples misclassified by the former classifier. As a direct result, the accuracy of a certain classifier will play an important role in the voting of the final label once an unknown test tuple is provided for the combined classifier.

Adaptive Boosting or AdaBoost is one of the boosting algorithms. If it contains K base classifiers, then the AdaBoost will be performed as K passes. Given the tuple dataset The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms and its corresponding classifier The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms, the error rate The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms of classifier The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms is defined as follows:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

The new classifier The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms will be discarded once the error (The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms) is bigger than 0.5. The training tuples set will be resampled for this classifier and perform the training of this classifier from scratch.

For tuple The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms, the error function is as follows:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

All the weights of the tuples in the training tuples dataset The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms are initialized with The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms. When the classifier The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms is learned from the training tuples set The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms, the weight for the tuple, which is correctly classified, is multiplied by The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms. After the updates, the weights for all tuples are normalized, which means the weight of the classified tuple increases and the weight of the others decreases.

The weight of the vote of classifier The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms is as follows:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

We defined The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms as the weight of the vote for class The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms upon the K classifiers, The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms representing the weight of the ith classifier:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

The AdaBoost combined classifier, The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms, counts the votes with their respective weights multiplied and assigns the class with the most votes to X. Each vote has the same weight in the equation:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

The input parameters for the AdaBoost algorithm are as follows:

  • D, which denotes a set of training tuples
  • k, which is the number of rounds
  • A classification learning algorithm

The output of the algorithm is a composite model. The pseudocode of AdaBoost is listed here:

The boosting and AdaBoost algorithms

The Random forests algorithm

Random forests algorithm is an ensemble method to combine a group of decision trees, which is generated by a strategy of applying a random selection of attributes at each node that will be split. Given an unknown tuple, each classifier votes, and the most popular one decides the final result. The pseudocode for the ForestRI algorithm to generate a forest is as follows:

The Random forests algorithm

T denotes a total order of the variables in line 2. In line 5, The Random forests algorithm denotes the set of variables preceding The Random forests algorithm. Prior knowledge is required for line 6.

Instead of random selection of attributes on splitting the node, for another algorithm, ForestRC, the random linear combination strategy of the existing attributes is used to split the task. New attributes are built by the random linear combination of the original attributes set. With a couple of new attributes added, the best split is searched over the updated attributes set including the new and original attributes.

The R implementation

Here we provide three R implementations, bagging, AdaBoost, and Random forests. Please look up the R codes file ch_04_bagging.R, ch_04_adaboost.R, ch_04_forestrc.R, and ch_04_forestri.R from the bundle of R codes for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following commands:

> source("ch_04_bagging.R")
> source("ch_04_adaboost.R")
> source("ch_04_forestrc.R")
> source("ch_04_forestri.R")

Parallel version with MapReduce

The following algorithm is the parallelized AdaBoost algorithm, which depends on a couple of workers to construct boosting classifiers. The dataset for the pth worker is defined using the following formula, where, Parallel version with MapReduce denoting its size is Parallel version with MapReduce:

Parallel version with MapReduce

The classifier Parallel version with MapReduce is defined in the following format, with Parallel version with MapReduce as the weight:

Parallel version with MapReduce

The output is the final classifier. The input is the training dataset of M workers Parallel version with MapReduce.

Parallel version with MapReduce
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