Bivariate analysis

The relationship or association between two variables is known as bivariate analysis. There are three possible ways of looking at the relationship:

  • Numeric-to-numeric relationship
  • Numeric-to-categorical relationship
  • Categorical-to-categorical relationship

To know the bivariate relationship between two numeric variables, typically a scatter plot is used if the two variables happen to be continuous, and a bar plot is used if one variable is categorical and the other is continuous:

> library(ggplot2)

> library(gridExtra)

> ggplot(Cars93, aes(Cars93$Price,Cars93$$Type)))+geom_smooth()

Bivariate analysis

Figure 1: Showing the relationship between price and mileage within a city for different car types

Similarly, the relationship between price and highway mileage can be represented using a scatter plot as well:

> library(ggplot2)

> library(gridExtra)

> ggplot(Cars93, aes(Cars93$Price,Cars93$MPG.highway))+geom_point(aes(colour=(Cars93$Type)))+geom_smooth()

Bivariate analysis

Figure 2: Relationship between price and mileage on highways

The numeric-categorical and two categorical relationships are explained in Chapter 3, Visualize Diamond Dataset, in detail.

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