
In this chapter, we looked at the following topics:

  • Market basket analysis
  • As the first step of association rule mining, the frequent itemset is the key factor. Along with the algorithm design, closed itemsets and maximum frequent itemsets are defined too.
  • As the target of association rule mining, association rules are mined with the measure of support count and confidence. Correlation rules mining are mined with the correlation formulae, in addition to the support count.
  • Monotonicity of frequent itemset; if an itemset is frequent, then all its subsets are frequent.
  • The A-Priori algorithm, which is the first efficient mining algorithm to mine frequent patterns; many variants originated from it.
  • Frequent patterns in sequence.

The next chapter will cover the basic classification algorithms, which is a major application of data mining, including ID3, C4.5, and CART.

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