Chapter 1. Warming Up

In this chapter, you will learn basic data mining terms such as data definition, preprocessing, and so on.

The most important data mining algorithms will be illustrated with R to help you grasp the principles quickly, including but not limited to, classification, clustering, and outlier detection. Before diving right into data mining, let's have a look at the topics we'll cover:

  • Data mining
  • Social network mining
  • Text mining
  • Web data mining
  • Why R
  • Statistics
  • Machine learning
  • Data attributes and description
  • Data measuring
  • Data cleaning
  • Data integration
  • Data reduction
  • Data transformation and discretization
  • Visualization of results

In the history of humankind, the results of data from every aspect is extensive, for example websites, social networks by user's e-mail or name or account, search terms, locations on map, companies, IP addresses, books, films, music, and products.

Data mining techniques can be applied to any kind of old or emerging data; each data type can be best dealt with using certain, but not all, techniques. In other words, the data mining techniques are constrained by data type, size of the dataset, context of the tasks applied, and so on. Every dataset has its own appropriate data mining solutions.

New data mining techniques always need to be researched along with new data types once the old techniques cannot be applied to it or if the new data type cannot be transformed onto the traditional data types. The evolution of stream mining algorithms applied to Twitter's huge source set is one typical example. The graph mining algorithms developed for social networks is another example.

The most popular and basic forms of data are from databases, data warehouses, ordered/sequence data, graph data, text data, and so on. In other words, they are federated data, high dimensional data, longitudinal data, streaming data, web data, numeric, categorical, or text data.

Big data

Big data is large amount of data that does not fit in the memory of a single machine. In other words, the size of data itself becomes a part of the issue when studying it. Besides volume, two other major characteristics of big data are variety and velocity; these are the famous three Vs of big data. Velocity means data process rate or how fast the data is being processed. Variety denotes various data source types. Noises arise more frequently in big data source sets and affect the mining results, which require efficient data preprocessing algorithms.

As a result, distributed filesystems are used as tools for successful implementation of parallel algorithms on large amounts of data; it is a certainty that we will get even more data with each passing second. Data analytics and visualization techniques are the primary factors of the data mining tasks related to massive data. The characteristics of massive data appeal to many new data mining technique-related platforms, one of which is RHadoop. We'll be describing this in a later section.

Some data types that are important to big data are as follows:

  • The data from the camera video, which includes more metadata for analysis to expedite crime investigations, enhanced retail analysis, military intelligence, and so on.
  • The second data type is from embedded sensors, such as medical sensors, to monitor any potential outbreaks of virus.
  • The third data type is from entertainment, information freely published through social media by anyone.
  • The last data type is consumer images, aggregated from social medias, and tagging on these like images are important.

Here is a table illustrating the history of data size growth. It shows that information will be more than double every two years, changing the way researchers or companies manage and extract value through data mining techniques from data, revealing new data mining studies.


Data Sizes




1 MB (Megabyte) = Big data. The human brain holds about 200 MB of information.



1 PB (Petabyte) = Big data. It is similar to the size of 3 years' observation data for Earth by NASA and is equivalent of 70.8 times the books in America's Library of Congress.


1 EB

1 EB (Exabyte) = Big data. The world produced 1.5 EB of unique information.


281 EB

The world produced about 281 Exabyte of unique information.


1.8 ZB

1 ZB (Zetabyte)= Big data. This is all data gathered by human beings in 2011.

Very soon


1 YB(Yottabytes)= Big data.

Scalability and efficiency

Efficiency, scalability, performance, optimization, and the ability to perform in real time are important issues for almost any algorithms, and it is the same for data mining. There are always necessary metrics or benchmark factors of data mining algorithms.

As the amount of data continues to grow, keeping data mining algorithms effective and scalable is necessary to effectively extract information from massive datasets in many data repositories or data streams.

The storage of data from a single machine to wide distribution, the huge size of many datasets, and the computational complexity of the data mining methods are all factors that drive the development of parallel and distributed data-intensive mining algorithms.

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