Data cleaning

Data cleaning is one part of data quality. The aim of Data Quality (DQ) is to have the following:

  • Accuracy (data is recorded correctly)
  • Completeness (all relevant data is recorded)
  • Uniqueness (no duplicated data record)
  • Timeliness (the data is not old)
  • Consistency (the data is coherent)

Data cleaning attempts to fill in missing values, smooth out noise while identifying outliers, and correct inconsistencies in the data. Data cleaning is usually an iterative two-step process consisting of discrepancy detection and data transformation.

The process of data mining contains two steps in most situations. They are as follows:

  • The first step is to perform audition on the source dataset to find the discrepancy.
  • The second step is to choose the transformation to fix (based on the accuracy of the attribute to be modified and the closeness of the new value to the original value). This is followed by applying the transformation to correct the discrepancy.

Missing values

During the process to seize data from all sorts of data sources, there are many cases when some fields are left blank or contain a null value. Good data entry procedures should avoid or minimize the number of missing values or errors. The missing values and defaults are indistinguishable.

If some fields are missing a value, there are a couple of solutions—each with different considerations and shortages and each is applicable within a certain context.

  • Ignore the tuple: By ignoring the tuple, you cannot make use of the remaining values except the missing one. This method is applicable when the tuple contains several attributes with missing values or the percentage of missing value per attribute doesn't vary considerably.
  • Filling the missing value manually: This is not applicable for large datasets.
  • Use a global constant to fill the value: Applying the value to fill the missing value will misguide the mining process, and is not foolproof.
  • Use a measure for a central tendency for the attribute to fill the missing value: The measures of central tendency can be used for symmetric data distribution.
  • Use the attribute mean or median: Use the attribute mean or median for all samples belonging to the same class as the given tuple.
  • Use the most probable value to fill the missing value: The missing data can be filled with data determined with regression, inference-based tool, such as Bayesian formalism or decision tree induction.

The most popular method is the last one; it is based on the present values and values from other attributes.

Junk, noisy data, or outlier

As in a physics or statistics test, noise is a random error that occurs during the test process to seize the measured data. No matter what means you apply to the data gathering process, noise inevitably exists.

Approaches for data smoothing are listed here. Along with the progress of data mining study, new methods keep occurring. Let's have a look at them:

  • Binning: This is a local scope smoothing method in which the neighborhood values are used to compute the final value for the certain bin. The sorted data is distributed into a number of bins and each value in that bin will be replaced by a value depending on some certain computation of the neighboring values. The computation can be bin median, bin boundary, which is the boundary data of that bin.
  • Regression: The target of regression is to find the best curve or something similar to one in a multidimensional space; as a result, the other values will be used to predict the value of the target attribute or variable. In other aspects, it is a popular means for smoothing.
  • Classification or outlier: The classifier is another inherent way to find the noise or outlier. During the process of classifying, most of the source data is grouped into couples of groups, except the outliers.
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