
In this chapter, we covered the following facts:

  • DBSCAN depends on the density-based description of clusters. With searching and measuring the density of data points, high density means high possibility of the existence of clusters, and others mean outliers or noise.
  • OPTICS produces the cluster ordering that consists of the order of the data objects together with the corresponding reachability values and core values.
  • You learned that DENCLUE is a clustering algorithm based on a set of specific density-distribution functions and can find arbitrary shape clusters. It first segments the dataset as cubes and identifies the local density-distribution function. You also learned that a hill-climbing algorithm is performed to retrieve the local maximum for each item in the related cube with which a cluster will be built.
  • We saw that STING is based on the grid-like data structure, and it segments the embedding spatial area of the input data points into rectangular units. It is mainly used for a spatial dataset.
  • You learned that CLIQUE is a grid-based clustering algorithm that finds subspaces of high-dimensional data, and it can find dense units in the high-dimensional data too.
  • You know that the WAVE cluster is a grid-based clustering algorithm based on the wavelet transformations. It has a multiresolution and is efficient for large dataset.
  • You learned that EM is a probabilistic-model-based clustering algorithm, where each data point with a probability indicates that it belongs to a cluster. It is based on the assumption that the attribute of the data point has values that is the linear combination of simple distributions.
  • Clustering high-dimensional data.
  • Clustering graph and network data.

In the next chapter, we will cover the major topics related to outlier detection and algorithms, and look at some of their examples.

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