
In this chapter, we looked at the various types of charts. We briefly discussed the syntax to create those charts and we also discussed briefly where to use which type of chart. To create a visual display to explain the insights and message to the audience is a skill. It takes time and becomes perfect by experience. In this chapter, we only looked at the most important data visualization methods used in data mining domain. However, there is overabundance of graphs and charts to be selected to create innovative presentations. So the key take away from this chapter is that the reader now knows the data visualization rules, the types of charts and graphs used in data mining to show the relationship between various variables, and understands the distribution of various variables. At the same time, the reader has got hands on experience by doing side by side practice on two important data visualization libraries: ggplot2 and plotly. In the next chapter, we are going to learn about application of various regression techniques, interpretation of regression results, and visualization of regression results to understand the relationship between various variables.

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