CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search) is efficient and effective and is the best practice for spatial data mining. CLARANS applies a strategy to search in a certain graph. A node in this graph, denoting it as CLARANS, is represented by a set of objects, CLARANS,CLARANS. Here, k is the predefined value to choose the k medoids; as a result, the nodes in the graph are a set of CLARANS. If two nodes, CLARANS, and CLARANS are neighbors, then CLARANS. Each node in the CLARANS graph represents a set of medoids and the cluster related to it. As a result, a cost is related to each node; this cost is the total distance between any objects and the medoid represents its cluster. The cost differential of two neighbors can be calculated with the cost measure function introduced in the PAM algorithm.

The CLARANS algorithm

The input parameters for the CLARANS algorithm are as follows:

  • D, which is the training tuples dataset
  • numlocal
  • maxneighbor

The output of the algorithm is:

  • bestnode

The summarized pseudocode for the CLARANS algorithm is as follows:

The CLARANS algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clarans.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clarans.R")
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