Chapter 2. Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations

In this chapter, we will learn how to mine frequent patterns, association rules, and correlation rules when working with R programs. Then, we will evaluate all these methods with benchmark data to determine the interestingness of the frequent patterns and rules. We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Introduction to associations and patterns
  • Market basket analysis
  • Hybrid association rules mining
  • Mining sequence datasets
  • High-performance algorithms

The algorithms to find frequent items from various data types can be applied to numeric or categorical data. Most of these algorithms have one common basic algorithmic form, which is A-Priori, depending on certain circumstances. Another basic algorithm is FP-Growth, which is similar to A-Priori. Most pattern-related mining algorithms derive from these basic algorithms.

With frequent patterns found as one input, many algorithms are designed to find association and correlation rules. Each algorithm is only a variation from the basic algorithm.

Along with the growth, size, and types of datasets from various domains, new algorithms are designed, such as the multistage algorithm, the multihash algorithm, and the limited-pass algorithm.

An overview of associations and patterns

One popular task for data mining is to find relations among the source dataset; this is based on searching frequent patterns from various data sources, such as market baskets, graphs, and streams.

All the algorithms illustrated in this chapter are written from scratch in the R language for the purpose of explaining association analysis, and the code will be demonstrated using the standard R packages for the algorithms such as arules.

Patterns and pattern discovery

With many applications across a broad field, frequent pattern mining is often used in solving various problems, such as the market investigation for a shopping mall from the transaction data.

Frequent patterns are the ones that often occur in the source dataset. The dataset types for frequent pattern mining can be itemset, subsequence, or substructure. As a result, the frequent patterns found are known as:

  • Frequent itemset
  • Frequent subsequence
  • Frequent substructures

These three frequent patterns will be discussed in detail in the upcoming sections.

These newly founded frequent patterns will serve as an important platform when searching for recurring interesting rules or relationships among the given dataset.

Various patterns are proposed to improve the efficiency of mining on a dataset. Some of them are as follows; they will be defined in detail later:

  • Closed patterns
  • Maximal patterns
  • Approximate patterns
  • Condensed patterns
  • Discriminative frequent patterns

The frequent itemset

The frequent itemset originated from true market basket analysis. In a store such as Amazon, there are many orders or transactions; a certain customer performs a transaction where their Amazon shopping cart includes some items. The mass result of all customers' transactions can be used by the storeowner to find out what items are purchased together by customers. As a simple definition, itemset denotes a collection of zero or more items.

We call a transaction a basket, and a set of items can belong to any basket. We will set the variable s as the support threshold, which is compared with the count of a certain set of items that appear in all the baskets. If the count of a certain set of items that appear in all the baskets is not less than s, we would call the itemset a frequent itemset.

An itemset is called a k-itemset if it contains k pieces of items, where k is a non-zero integer. The support count of an itemset is The frequent itemset, the count of itemset contained X, given the dataset.

For a predefined minimum support threshold s, the itemset X is a frequent itemset if The frequent itemset. The minimum support threshold s is a customizable parameter, which can be adjusted by domain experts or experiences.

The frequent itemset is also used in many domains. Some of them are shown in the following table:





Related concepts









Biomarkers and diseases

The set of data about a patient


If an itemset is frequent, then any of its subset must be frequent. This is known as the A-Priori principle, the foundation of the A-Priori algorithm. The direct application of the A-Priori principle is to prune the huge number of frequent itemsets.

One important factor that affects the number of frequent itemsets is the minimum support count: the lower the minimum support count, the larger the number of frequent itemsets.

For the purpose of optimizing the frequent itemset-generation algorithm, some more concepts are proposed:

  • An itemset X is closed in dataset S, if The frequent itemset; X is also called a closed itemset. In other words, if X is frequent, then X is a closed frequent itemset.
  • An itemset X is a maximal frequent itemset if The frequent itemset; in other words, Y does not have frequent supersets.
  • An itemset X is considered a constrained frequent itemset once the frequent itemset satisfies the user-specified constraints.
  • An itemset X is an approximate frequent itemset if X derives only approximate support counts for the mined frequent itemsets.
  • An itemset X is a top-k frequent itemset in the dataset S if X is the k-most frequent itemset, given a user-defined value k.

The following example is of a transaction dataset. All itemsets only contain items from the set, The frequent itemset.Let's assume that the minimum support count is 3.

tid (transaction id)

List of items in the itemset or transaction


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset


The frequent itemset

Then, we will get the frequent itemsets The frequent itemset and The frequent itemset.

The frequent subsequence

The frequent sequence is an ordered list of elements where each element contains at least one event. An example of this is the page-visit sequence on a site by the specific web page the user is on more concretely speaking, the order in which a certain user visits web pages. Here are two examples of the frequent subsequence:

  • Customer: Successive shopping records of certain customers in a shopping mart serves as the sequence, each item bought serves as the event item, and all the items bought by a customer in one shopping are treated as elements or transactions
  • Web usage data: Users who visit the history of the WWW are treated as a sequence, each UI/page serves as the event or item, and the element or transaction can be defined as the pages visited by users with one click of the mouse

The length of a sequence is defined by the number of items contained in the sequence. A sequence of length k is called a k-sequence. The size of a sequence is defined by the number of itemsets in the sequence. We call a sequence The frequent subsequence as a subsequence of the sequence The frequent subsequence or The frequent subsequence as the super sequence of The frequent subsequence when The frequent subsequence is satisfied.

The frequent substructures

In some domains, the tasks under research can be modeled with a graph theory. As a result, there are requirements for mining common subgraphs (subtrees or sublattices); some examples are as follows:

  • Web mining: Web pages are treated as the vertices of graph, links between pages serve as edges, and a user's page-visiting records construct the graph.
  • Network computing: Any device with computation ability on the network serves as the vertex, and the interconnection between these devices serves as the edge. The whole network that is made up of these devices and interconnections is treated as a graph.
  • Semantic web: XML elements serve as the vertices, and the parent/child relations between them are edges; all these XML files are treated as graphs.

A graph G is represented by G = (V, E), where V represents a group of vertices, and E represents a group of edges. A graph The frequent substructures is called as subgraph of graph G = (V, E) once The frequent substructures and The frequent substructures. Here is an example of a subgraph. There is the original graph with vertices and edges on the left-hand side of the following figure and the subgraph on the right-hand side with some edges omitted (or omission of vertices in other circumstances):

The frequent substructures

Relationship or rules discovery

Mining of association rules is based on the frequent patterns found. The different emphases on the interestingness of relations derives two types of relations for further research: association rules and correlation rules.

Association rules

In a later section, a method to show association analysis is illustrated; this is a useful method to discover interesting relationships within a huge dataset. The relations can be represented in the form of association rules or frequent itemsets.

Association rule mining is to find the result rule set on a given dataset (the transaction data set or other sequence-pattern-type dataset), a predefined minimum support count s, and a predefined confidence c, given any found rule Association rules Association rules, and Association rules.

Association rules is an association rule where Association rules; X and Y are disjoint. The interesting thing about this rule is that it is measured by its support and confidence. Support means the frequency in which this rule appears in the dataset, and confidence means the probability of the appearance of Y when X is present.

For association rules, the key measures of rule interestingness are rule support and confidence. Their relationship is given as follows:

Association rules

support_count(X) is the count of itemset in the dataset, contained X.

As a convention, in support_count(X), in the confidence value and support count value are represented as a percentage between 0 and 100.

The association rule Association rules is strong once Association rules and Association rules. The predefined minimum support threshold is s, and c is the predefined minimum confidence threshold.

The meaning of the found association rules should be explained with caution, especially when there is not enough to judge whether the rule implies causality. It only shows the co-occurrence of the prefix and postfix of the rule. The following are the different kinds of rules you can come across:

  • A rule is a Boolean association rule if it contains association of the presence of the item
  • A rule is a single-dimensional association if there is, at the most, only one dimension referred to in the rules
  • A rule is a multidimensional association rule if there are at least two dimensions referred to in the rules
  • A rule is a correlation-association rule if the relations or rules are measured by statistical correlation, which, once passed, leads to a correlation rule
  • A rule is a quantitative-association rule if at least one item or attribute contained in it is quantitative

Correlation rules

In some situations, the support and confidence pairs are not sufficient to filter uninteresting association rules. In such a case, we will use support count, confidence, and correlations to filter association rules.

There are a lot of methods to calculate the correlation of an association rule, such as Correlation rules analyses, all-confidence analysis, and cosine. For a k-itemset Correlation rules, define the all-confidence value of X as:

Correlation rules
Correlation rules
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