Issue Manager design

We are going to create an issue and project for three custom entities. We will use the Issue entity to capture information regarding the issue, for example, the issue description, category, created date, and submitted by date, along with error reproducing steps. The Project entity will be used to store project-related information. We will create a 1:N relationship between the project and issue. We are going to create another custom entity, namely Auto ID Setup. We will use this entity to store auto ID configuration information. We will write a plugin to generate an issue ID using auto ID setup configuration.

The following block diagram is the entity design for Issue Manager:

Issue Manager design

We are going to use the OOB Account entity to store client information. There could be different projects for the same client so there is a 1:N relationship between the Client and Project entities. We will use the Team entity to track group consultants who will be working on particular projects based on their respective technologies.

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