Chapter 3. Using Processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

In this chapter, we are going to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 as a platform to develop our Employee Recruitment Management System (ERMS). We will learn the basics of ERMS, about processes in Microsoft CRM 2011, and how we can use them to automate business processes at different levels.

In this chapter we are going to discuss the following topics:

  • Employee Recruitment Management System
  • Employee Recruitment Management System design
  • Setting a security model for Employee Recruitment Management System
  • Setting field-level security
  • Data model for Employee Recruitment Management System
  • Customizing entities for Employee Recruitment Management System
  • Setting a security model for ERMS
  • Setting field-level security in Microsoft CRM 2011
  • Processes in Microsoft CRM 2011
  • Importing data in Microsoft CRM 2011
  • Testing Employee Recruitment Management System

Employee Recruitment Management System basics

Hiring the right candidate is a challenge for the recruitment team of any company. The process of hiring candidates can differ from company to company. Different sources such as job sites, networking, and consulting firms can be used to get the right candidate, but most companies prefer to hire a candidate from their own employee network. Before starting the hiring process, a recruiter should have a proper understanding of the candidate profile that fits the company's requirements.

Normally, this process starts by screening candidate resumes fetched from different sources. Once they have resumes of appropriate candidates, the recruitment team starts working on resumes one by one. Recruiters talk to potential candidates and enquire about their skills and test their interpersonal skills. Recruiters play an important role in the hiring process; they prepare candidates for interview and provide interview feedback.

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