Customizing entities for Employee Recruitment Management System

Once we have the data model ready, we need to customize the Microsoft CRM UI and OOB entities. Let's first create our solution called HR Module and add the required entities to that solution.


Refer to the solution in the Customizing Microsoft CRM 2011 for PTES section in Chapter 2, Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, to create a solution in Microsoft CRM 2011.

Customizing Microsoft CRM UI

We need to customize the Microsoft CRM site map. We have options to modify the sitemap manually or using the site map editor tool that we used in Chapter 2, Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. We need to customize the site map based on the following table; follow Chapter 2, Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 to customize the site map:

Sr No

Customization Detail


Remove Left Navigation: Marketing, Service, Resource Center


Rename Left Navigation: Sales to HR Module, Setting to Configuration


Remove Left Navigation items under My Work: Queues, Articles, Announcements


Remove all Left Navigation items under HR Module left navigation: except Lead, Accounts, and Contacts

After customizing the site map, Microsoft CRM UI should look like the following screenshot:

Customizing Microsoft CRM UI


It is recommended that you comment unwanted navigation areas out of the site map instead of removing them.

Customizing OOB entities

After we have customized Microsoft CRM UI, we need to rename the entity and entity views. We also need to perform the following actions:

  • Renaming OOB entities: We need to rename the lead, account, and contact entities to candidate, company, and employee. Open the entities in edit mode and rename them as described in Chapter 2, Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
  • Changing Translation labels: After renaming the OOB entities, we need to change the translation labels in Microsoft CRM. We need to convert Lead to Candidate and Contact to Employee. Please refer to Chapter 2, Customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, to change translation labels in Microsoft CRM.
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