Sending notifications using workflows

We need to send an issue assignment notification to the assigned member. We can create a workflow to send the notification and set it to run when the record is assigned.

Perform the following steps to create the workflow to send a notification:

  1. Navigate to Setting | Processes | New.
  2. Enter the following information on the workflow dialog box and click on OK:
    1. Process Name: Send Issue Assignment Notification
    2. Entity: Issue
    3. Category: Workflow
    4. Type: New Blank Process
  3. Set Scope to Organization and set Start when to Record is assigned.
  4. Select Add Step | Send E-mail and click on the Set Properties button.
  5. Select the From field and select Modified By from Form Assistant:
    Sending notifications using workflows
  6. Click on Add and then click on the OK button.
  7. In the same way, set Assigned To from Form Assistant in the To field.
  8. In the Subject field, enter Issue :<<Issue ID>> is assigned to you.

    We need to provide an issue record link to the user in the Description field of the e-mail so that the team member can directly click on that to open the issue record.

  9. Select the Insert Hyperlink option from the e-mail description toolbar, set the properties as shown in the following screenshot, and click on OK:
    Sending notifications using workflows

    Once done, our e-mail should look like the following screenshot:

    Sending notifications using workflows
  10. Click on Save and Close and activate the workflow.
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