Implications for Managers

  • For maximum leadership effectiveness, ensure that your preferences on the initiating structure and consideration dimensions are a match for your work dynamics and culture.

  • Hire candidates who exhibit transformational leadership qualities and who have demonstrated success in working through others to meet a long-term vision. Personality tests can reveal candidates higher in extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness, which may indicate leadership readiness.

  • Hire candidates whom you believe are ethical and trustworthy for management roles and train current managers in your organization’s ethical standards in order to increase leadership effectiveness.

  • Seek to develop trusting relationships with followers because, as organizations have become less stable and predictable, strong bonds of trust are replacing bureaucratic rules in defining expectations and relationships.

  • Consider investing in leadership training such as formal courses, workshops, and mentoring.

Try It!

If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments section of to complete the Simulation: Leadership.

Personal Inventory Assessments

Ethical Leadership Assessment

If you’ve ever worked for someone who was an unethical leader, you know the importance of ethical leadership for positive outcomes. Take this PIA to explore ethical leadership further.

  1. 12-1. Describe the qualities of your ideal leader in terms of the concepts in this chapter.

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