Assembling a story

Now is the time to assemble the story that we want to tell. This is done by presenting the analyses and insights that we collected using Explore and Predict earlier in this chapter, as well as perhaps some new visualizations, text, images, and shapes, or perhaps other media. To do this, let's go through the following steps:

As we have already mentioned (and you will find this over and over throughout the Watson Analytics documentation), you should be sure to make it a habit, while in Explore, Predict, and Assemble, to save key visualizations by adding them to your collection. That way, when you assemble a story, you can access your collection and simply drag items into your story!
  1. To build our story, click on Assemble on the main Watson Analytics Welcome page, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If we weren't sure what data we were going to use in our story, we could scroll through the list of data files and click on an appropriate file to select it. In our story, we know that we want to use the patient dialog data that we have been working on, so we can just click on the button labeled Skip. Watson displays the Create page, as shown in the following screenshot:

Create page
  1. If we selected a dataset (rather than Skip), then the name of the view defaults to the name of that dataset. We didn't select a data file, so we need to change the name of your view by typing the new name in the Name your view field.
  1. Under the Story caption, (see the left-hand side of the page), we now need to select one of the story types. These are Slide show (which tells your story through a series of slides, similar to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation), Vertical slide show (which is a slide show in which you move through the slides vertically), or Time journey (which tells your story over time, where the slides in the story are in a precise sequence that is related to a time frame; this type of story can be used to emphasize that the analysis is related to time).
  2. Next, under Select a template, click on the layout that you want to use for the story. We'll use Freeform. Finally, click on the button labeled Create. The view will be saved and the scene selector (at the bottom of the page) contains one empty scene, as shown in the following screenshot:

Now, we are ready to add our items or assets to the story slides. You can add items and visualizations in a variety of ways, but let's start by reusing some of our saved visualizations (those we saved into our collection).

  1. We click the Collections icon (in the upper-right corner of the main toolbar) and then drag and drop the selected visualization from the collection, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. To add a title to our slide, click on the ... and then click on the pencil icon. In the Rename this scene popup (shown in the following screenshot), you can provide a meaningful name for the current slide (or scene):

  1. You can add text, media, web pages, images, and shapes to any of your story slides simply by clicking the particular icon. Let's just add some text to this first story slide to explain the visualization a bit more. To do that, we click on the text icon (the T icon), and Watson Analytics will add a text box for you to type what you want (as shown in the following screenshot):

  1. Once we have completed this slide, or scene, we can add another scene to the story by clicking the + icon (as shown in the following screenshot), selecting a template, and then clicking USE:

We can repeat the preceding process to add another saved visualization to the story from our collection. This time, we'll add the visualization showing the affect of the Initiator on the number of patient illnesses.

While you work on creating and editing your IBM Watson Analytics story, you can experiment with the easy ways in which you can mange the story. For example, to move an object from one scene to another, you can just drag the object to the new scene in the scene selector. To change the order of scenes in the scene selector, you can again just drag a selected scene to the new desired position. Finally, to delete a scene, click on the ... and then click on the trash can icon.

Building a Watson Analytics story is very similar to creating a Microsoft PowerPoint slide deck presentation, with a story as a slide deck and the scenes as the slides.
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