Loading your data

In Chapter 2A Basic Watson Project, (in the  Loading Your Data section), we loaded a file formatted as a Microsoft Excel worksheet. In this chapter, we will use those same steps to load our supply chain dataset. Rather than repeat those instructions here, we'll provide a few data-specific FAQs:

  1. In practice, the most common file exchange format is either an Excel file or a comma-separated (CSV) text file, and Watson Analytics is happy with both formats, as long as you understand that Watson wants lists of data, not formatted report files (files containing nested rows or column headings, or total and subtotal rows).
  2. In addition, there are different file size limits for each edition of Watson Analytics:
File size limits for each edition
  1. Additionally, when you upload (or add) a dataset in Excel worksheet form, Watson Analytics may ask you to provide additional details about your data file. For example, if a Microsoft Excel file contains several worksheets, you are prompted to select one worksheet to add; you might also be prompted to select a row to use as the column headings.
Note: You can refresh your memory of the steps required to add data to Watson Analytics by reviewing Chapter 2A Basic Watson Project or visiting the following online reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS4QC9/com.ibm.solutions.wa_an_overview.2.0.0.doc/wa_an_hlp_data_new.html.
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