Summary ribbon

Across the top of the Top Predictors page is what I refer to as the summary ribbon of the predictive model generated by Watson Analytics. The summary ribbon includes thumbnail images showing the following information:

  • Targets
  • Data Quality (score)
  • Analysis Details
  • Top Field Associations
  • Model Highlight

An explanation of what information each thumbnail provides is given here:

  • Targets thumbnail:

The targets thumbnail lists the targets defined in the model. In our example, we have one target, Dollar Amount Sold. You also can click Edit and change the targets in the model.

  • Data Quality thumbnail:

The data quality score measures the degree to which the data used in the model is appropriate to be utilized for predictive analysis. It is an average of the data quality score for every field in the dataset, as determined by missing and constant values, influential categories, outliers, imbalance, and skewness. If you click on View, you will see the column by column breakdown of data quality scores. In our project, the fields we are interested in, Dollar Amount Sold, Age Range, Ethnic, and First Time Buyer ,all have high data quality scores, or we have filtered on them, so we will move on to the next statistic.

  • Analysis Details thumbnail:

The Analysis Details thumbnail tells you the total number of columns in your dataset that were considered in the predictive analysis(referred to as inputs), as well as the number of those inputs that could potentially affect the target. In other words, of the 30 columns of data in the file, Watson Analytics considered using 25 of them as predictors.

  • Top Field Associations thumbnail:

In statistics, the association of fields is any statistical relationship, whether causal or not, between two random variables, data. Watson Analytics reviews each and every column of data in the model to determine where relationships exist. The top field associations thumbnail gives us the result of that analysis. If you click on the View link in this thumbnail, you can see the relationships:

  • Model Highlight thumbnail:

In the Model Highlight thumbnail, Watson Analytics indicates what the predictive target is (Dollar Amount Sold) and provides a brief summary of the model results.

Our initial model is considered to have weak predictive strength using one input predictor (Hobby/Interest). As of this writing, the Export link isn't enabled, but View will show the detailed results of this summary:

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